I use Ghost 15 and accidentally deleted backed up files from the back-up destination drive using Windows Explorer. I hoped that Ghost would re-create backed-up files, but it did not. When I ran the same defined back-up, it only added the new files and the deleted files did not get re-created. I tried to define a new back-up, but it did not back-up the files which back-up was deleted. Ghost still remembers what files were backed up even if backed-up files were long gone. Is there any way to "reset" the list of the backed up files in Ghost?
Hi AllenM,
Thanks for responding to my question.
I'm referring to file and folder backup. My explanation may not have been clear. I still have the original files, but I deleted the backup of these originals. The backup job that created the backup I deleted does not generate backup anymore (if I lose the original files, I will not have their backup!). It appears that Ghost thinks the backup still exists. I defined a new backup jog to backup these original files, but it did not create backup. How can I backup these files now?
I hope that my explanation is clearer this time.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Maswhat,
Thanks for the information. If I am understanding you correctly, you deleted the backup of your files and you would now like Ghost to back up the actual original files again, correct?
This is pretty straightforward. Please proceed as outlined below. This procedure will allow Ghost to completely recreate the catalog database which tracks your backed up files. It will do so by importing the actual data from your backup drive, thereby sync'ing Ghost back into "reality".
Access start menu and type in the word services in the Search box (Windows Vista/Windows 7) or services.msc from the start menu/run box (Windows XP). When the services window comes up please search for the entry for Norton Ghost. Highlight this entry and Stop the service; this option will be located near the top left of the screen.
Then go into Windows Explorer to the following path:
C:\ProgramData\Symantec\FileBackup (Windows Vista) or
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Symantec\FileBackup (Windows XP)
Rename (do NOT delete) the catalog.dat file to something else.
From the Service window, click Start to start the Norton Ghost service again.
Bring up Norton Ghost and select Recover My Files from the Tasks tab.
Then from the File menu select Import Backup Destination. Browse to the parent directory where your File and Folder backups are located. Ghost will now import from scratch your file and folder backup data. This will rebuild the catalog.dat file you previously renamed.
Please let me know how it goes.
Hi Allen,
Thank you for the detail instruction. It worked! Except, "Import Backup Destination" game me an error and failed. But, at that point, I was able to run the backup job and it created the backup!!! I hope that I did not do something that I'm not supposed to do and possibly creates issues in future.
I guess that catalog.dat is the list that Ghost uses to keep track what files were backed-up. Once it was gone, there was no backup so it forced Ghost to create backup.
I saw your post explaining the differences between backup computer and backup file/folder. That was a great post and helped me understand what Ghost did a lot. I will consider to backup the entire drive that I use to save data (I already backup the C drive). I really appreciate you taking time and help other community members.
Thank you.
I use Ghost 15 and accidentally deleted backed up files from the back-up destination drive using Windows Explorer. I hoped that Ghost would re-create backed-up files, but it did not. When I ran the same defined back-up, it only added the new files and the deleted files did not get re-created. I tried to define a new back-up, but it did not back-up the files which back-up was deleted. Ghost still remembers what files were backed up even if backed-up files were long gone. Is there any way to "reset" the list of the backed up files in Ghost?
Hi Maswhat,
Thanks for the update. What kind of error did you get when you attempted to import the backup after deleting catalog.dat? This should have worked. When you delete catalog.dat it is normal for Ghost to not see anything in its file and folder backup history. The import operation then reads all the information from your actual backup location and rebuilds the catalog.dat. It should then know about all of your previous backups.
If this import operation failed and you ran another backup, Ghost would have ended up doing another full backup because it would no longer have known about your previous backups. This might be OK for you but you probably also have a lot of backup data there which is redundant. E.g., you would have your old backup data which Ghost was still not tracking (since the import failed) followed by a full file and folder backup done on top of that.
If you want to start from a fresh slate, I would recommend that you rename the directory where your file and folder backups are and then create another directory of the same name you currently have. This new directory will be empty. You can then remove the catalog.dat file and then do another backup from scratch. At least this way you won't have redundant information in the backup directory. Once you are satisfied with the results you can remove the directory you renamed to free up the space.
Essentially I am concerned that your backup location is in an inconsistent state because of the failed import. So I would recommend the following:
1.Stop the Norton Ghost service as before.
2.Remove (or rename) catalog.dat again.
3.Rename your current backup directory and create an empty directory which is the same as your current backup directory name.
4.Start Norton Ghost service.
5.Run a full file and folder backup.
HI Allen,
The error message was "Cannot import items" but I now realized that when prompted, I selected the source folder, not the backup destination folder. So, when I selected the backup destination folder (as you instructed), it started importing.
Since I felt I completely messed this up, I did backup from scratch following your instruction. It looks like the backup worked and everything seemed to be OK now.
Thanks again for your help.
Hi Maswhat,
Thanks for the update. I'm happy things worked out.