Backup Failed Encrypted Files Encountered - Dec. 2014

Hi all

This has been discussed before - most lately that I could (quickly) find May 2013 at . I noted then it appeared to be something still needing to be resolved.

Norton used to back up for me without much fuss to an external drive (WD 'My Passport' 300GB) in the past.

I've only just changed to to a WD 'Elements' external HDD and, because of the inability of Windows 7 to backup to the 3TB external drive, I reformatted it with 'WD Quick Formatter (external drives - Windows 7)' as WD said that was the only thing that would do. Certainly worked for the Windows backup.

Just recently, with both the 300GB 'Passport' and 3TB 'Elements' drives (both before and after I formatted the latter) when I tried Norton 360 backup  I've been getting the message 'Backup of your files and folders has failed' [see images.pdf, 1 - upper]. I admit to a bit of naiivete here. I'd noticed that, in the past where this had happened, sometimes the Norton 360 main window would show a green tick over the 'Backup' panel and a check of the 'Backup Details' window [see images.pdf 2] would seem to confirm the backup had, in fact, been successful regardless of Norton's report immediately on conclusion of the scan. So, unless the 'Backup' panel was red, I'd been assuming all was ok.

Today, for no particular reason, I looked at the 'Details' [see images.pdf, 1 - lower] and found that backup had failed because encrypted files had been encountered (one apparently) whose identity is not shown - not much help.

I gather others have encountered this issue - any resolution found to it yet?

Many thanks
