Bitcomet with Norton Internet Security 2010

Hi friends,I am using Norton Internet Security 2010 and it is very nice.Yesterday I downloaded Bitcomet

1.26 and after clicking on tools,I clicked on option and that option window I could see but there in  virus


  scan section  I  am  asked to write the antivirus program path and execute parameters  what I do not

 know  and I checked  the help section of  other download accelarator ,I saw in  every  where that the  every  download accelarator is saying to find these answer in antivirus help documentation.Please solve my question.

See if my posts here helps you



Daveh,What u said i checked that and i saw that there you have told about execute file but you did not tell about execute


 parameters so,please you are requestd to mention all the things clearly to know that I am using norton internet security 2010


and if any 1 can help in this matter so,please help.

Yes, I did tell you.  Double click NAVW32.exe and it will open a help file.

Then click the link "running a scan at the command prompt"





Running a scan at the command prompt

You can scan with Norton Internet Security from the command prompt without opening the Norton Internet Security main window. You type the path and name of the file that you want to scan or customize the scan by adding a specific command. The following commands are available:


NAVW32 launches help and terminates.


Scans all drives


Scans the local drives


Enables (+) or disables (-) subfolders scanning


Enables (+) or disables (-) boot record scanning and master boot record scanning (for example, NAVW32 C: /B+ or NAVW32 C: /B-)


Scans only the boot records


Runs a Quick Scan


Enables (+) or disables (-) a Quick Scan


Enables (+) or disables (-) scanning of stealth items


Uses a task file as input to the list of items to scan

Task file path should follow the ':' (for example, TASK:C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Symantec\Norton Internet Security\Tasks\


Uses a task file as input to the list of items to scan

Task file path should follow the ':' (for example, TASK:C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Symantec\Norton Internet Security\Tasks\


Assumes the task file as a temporary file and deletes the task file at the end of processing.


Scans the files that matches specified wild card


Scans the specified drive, folder, or file


Performs Quick Scan in the background.


Norton Internet Security displays the scans window only when a threat is detected.

To run a scan from the command prompt

  1. At the command prompt, type the path in which Norton Internet Security is located and the executable's file name.

    The following examples show the syntax of a scan command:

    • "\Program Files\Norton Internet Security\Engine\version\NAVW32" /command_name

      Where version represents the version number of Norton Internet Security and command_name represents the command.

    • "\Program Files\Norton Internet Security\Engine\version\NAVW32" [path]file_name

      Where version represents the version number of Norton Internet Security and [path] file_name represents the location, name, and extension of the file.

  2. Press Enter.

Can u make me understand  thsese  (Program Files\Norton Internet Security\Engine\version\NAVW32" /command_name)


and (\Program Files\Norton Internet Security\Engine\version\NAVW32" [path] file_name) to give an example please?I have


another question----what shall I have to write in bitcomet anti virus program path field in bitcomet virus scan and in execute


parameters field in btcomet virus scan location exactly?and in extension file types field (which will be scanned) shall I have to


write the extension like this exe,jpg,zip,rar  or   exe jpg zip rar?Please.

BitcometI did not get the right answer by which I can set the bitcomet virus scan very easiy,I just got the complicated answer.Please help me in this case if any 1 knows.

Bitcomet with Norton Internet Security 2010

Hi friends,

I am using Norton Internet Security 2010 and it is very nice.Yesterday I downloaded Bitcomet

1.26 and after clicking on tools,I clicked on option and that option window I could see but there in virus

scan section I am asked to write the antivirus program path and execute parameters what I do not

know and I checked help section of other download accelarator ,I saw in every where that the every download accelarator is saying to find these answer in antivirus help documentation.Please solve my question.

Mr.Daveh said-----


Double click NAVW32.exe and it will open a help file. Then click the link "running a scan at the command prompt"


Running a scan at the command prompt


You can scan with Norton Internet Security from the command prompt without opening the Norton Internet Security main window. You type the path and name of the file that you want to scan or customize the scan by adding a specific command.


The following commands are available:



NAVW32 launches help and terminates.


Scans all drives


Scans the local drives


Enables (+) or disables (-) subfolders scanning


Enables (+) or disables (-) boot record scanning and master boot record scanning (for example, NAVW32 C: /B+ or NAVW32 C: /B-)


Scans only the boot records


Runs a Quick Scan


Enables (+) or disables (-) a Quick Scan


Enables (+) or disables (-) scanning of stealth items


Uses a task file as input to the list of items to scan

Task file path should follow the ':' (for example, TASK:C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Symantec\Norton Internet Security\Tasks\


Uses a task file as input to the list of items to scan

Task file path should follow the ':' (for example, TASK:C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Symantec\Norton Internet Security\Tasks\


Assumes the task file as a temporary file and deletes the task file at the end of processing.


Scans the files that matches specified wild card


Scans the specified drive, folder, or file


Performs Quick Scan in the background.


Norton Internet Security displays the scans window only when a threat is detected.


To run a scan from the command prompt


At the command prompt, type the path in which Norton Internet Security is located and the executable's file name.

The following examples show the syntax of a scan command:

"\Program Files\Norton Internet Security\Engine\version\NAVW32" [path]file_name
Where version represents the version number of Norton Internet Security and [path] file_name represents the location, name, and extension of the file.

Press Enter.

I asked the simple answer means how to write all the things in bitcomet virus scan,I did not ask how I can scan by comand prompt.

Can u make me understand  thsese  (Program Files\Norton Internet Security\Engine\version\NAVW32" /command_name)


and (\Program Files\Norton Internet Security\Engine\version\NAVW32" [path] file_name) to give an example please?I have

 another question----what shall I have to write in bitcomet anti virus program path field in bitcomet virus scan and in execute


parameters field in btcomet virus scan location exactly?and in extension file types field (which will be scanned) shall I have to write the extension like this exe,jpg,zip,rar  or   exe jpg zip rar?Please

<<Edit: Message merged from a thread of its own and formatted for clarity>>

Please solve my problem.