I have a blackberry playbook I can't download my Norton security when I click open file says unable. To find. App. I haven't been able to enter. Product key. What shall I do?

Hi martinef


Welcome to the Norton Community Forums. :smileyhappy:


This issue has come up in the forums previously and all users

report the same issue when trying to install Norton Tablet Security

on the Blackberry Playbook.


Some links to users with the same issue -


So from this we have to say the Blackberry Playbook unfortunately is

not compatible with Norton Tablet Security. :smileysad:


If you are to seek a refund for Norton Tablet Security you could return

the product to Curry's or use the link and info below as Symantec Norton

offers a full 60 Day Refund on all Norton Products. -


Norton Refunds.


i hope that info helps. :)


Cheers. :smileywink:

guayi wrote:

I have a blackberry playbook I can't download my Norton security when I click open file says unable. To find. App. I haven't been able to enter. Product key. What shall I do?



thats be come  norton  security wont work on a playbook  it is a window software   olny 



now there some in called norton tablet security  but i think its olny for androids tablets  and not sure if it will work on a blackBery playbook  i think blackBery playbook has there own apps 



Hi guayi


Welcome to the Norton Community. :smileywink:


You could try the following links for security products for the Blackberry

devices -


Might be worth doing a check to see if one of the products above can

help to protect your particular Blackberry device.


And if you purchased a Norton product just for your Blackberry device

Norton offers a full 60 day refund on all Symantec Norton products if

you require a refund for a product that you cannot use.


You can contact Norton Support Live Chat for free via the web to chat

with the Support Staff about a refund if needed just click on the link below -


And click on the link below for more info about Norton refunds -


Symantec Norton Refunds


Hopefully that info helps. :smileyhappy:


Cheers. :smileywink:


EDIT - Norton Tablet Security (NTS) and Norton Mobile Security (NMS) are

not compatible with Blackberry devices from what we have found with users.