I get a half dozen blocked intrusion attemptnotifications/day but ONLY when the Firefox browser is open.
Is there something about Firefox that invites intrusion attempts.
I get a half dozen blocked intrusion attemptnotifications/day but ONLY when the Firefox browser is open.
Is there something about Firefox that invites intrusion attempts.
Who knows. I haven't had a single intrusion alert on Firefox since the Windows 10 update. Whether that's a coincidence, I have no idea.
I guess the possible causes/solutions were too many to narrow down.
All your assumptions about updates possibly causing what you are seeing are possibilities. It is also possible that the site(s) you were visiting with Firefox had been 'compromised' in that an ad service on that site was serving questionable ads, and now they have rotated those bad ads out from that/those pages.
Another good observation. But it leads me to the fact that I've has this version for a long time but the intrusion attempts just started a week ago. Maybe an Firefox update opened some door? After the Windows update, the intrusion attempts just stopped. I didn't note a Firefox update as the same time, but the Windows update had me jumping through some hoops for a while and I may have missed it.
Thank you.
Thanks, that's a good thought. However, I'm not sure that's the issue since, as I mentioned above, I didn't have a single intrusion alert with Firefox opened all day after the last Windows 10 update. It's been opened for 6 hours today without a single alert. Maybe it's a coincidence but I'm still visiting the same sites with Firefox without any alerts.
It's just perplexing.
(I use different browsers for different purposes) but I only get intrusion attempts when using Firefox.
If you use the different browsers for different purposes, it could be the specific sites you are visiting with Firefox that may have had some issues on them.
BFChelius:Also Firefox ver. 69.0b10 (64-bit) -- this only happens when Firefox is open and never if I use MS Edge, Google Chrome or Opera.
Beta is an unstable testing and development platform. By default, Beta sends data to Mozilla — and sometimes our partners — to help us handle problems and try ideas.
Developer Edition is an unstable testing and development platform. By default, Developer Edition sends data to Mozilla — and sometimes our partners — to help us handle problems and try ideas.
Nightly is an unstable testing and development platform. By default, Nightly sends data to Mozilla — and sometimes our partners — to help us handle problems and try ideas.
Possibly because Firefox has way more users than most, and also because of the different browsers anti malware architecture ?
Either way, Norton is doing its job.
"If you are only using Firefox to access the internet," as I said, I use Edge, Chrome and Opera (I use different browsers for different purposes) but I only get intrusion attempts when using Firefox.
However, something strange occurred. Last night I had a major Windows 10 update (it took over two and a half hours). Today, I had Firefox open the entire day and never had a single intrusion attempt alert as opposed to the half dozen/day I'd been getting (it all just started last week). I doubt Firefox is more secure due to a Windows update, but who knows?
I wasn't really worried since they were indeed being blocked, but I was puzzled why only Firefox invited these things.
Is there something about Firefox that invites intrusion attempts.
If you are only using Firefox to access the internet, that would be the only way for outside sources to try to access your system. There is nothing you can do to stop an outside force from trying to access your system. The good news is that Norton is blocking those attempts and protecting your system.
If you can post more information on these intrusion attempts, we may be able to shed some light on what is happening.
Thanks for your response.
I have Windows 10 and Norton Security Standard.
Also Firefox ver. 69.0b10 (64-bit) -- this only happens when Firefox is open and never if I use MS Edge, Google Chrome or Opera.
It might help to know what your Operating System is and which Norton product and version you have installed.