I recently saw other threads where each individual photobucket server had to be tested for Norton to whitelist the site, and now that my entire photobucket album's pictures are blocked I want to make sure there is nothing truly malicious on it before accessing my pictures on there. (Which are mostly artwork that I have done or received from other people)
This is the error message I am receiving:
Malicious Web Site Blocked
You attempted to access:
http:// i43. photobucket .com/ albums/e381/ Tigers62699/ Characters/ Diaproxyflat .png
This is a known malicious web site. It is recommended that you do NOT visit this site. The detailed report explains the security risks on this site.
I constantly use my photobucket for referencing and storing artwork and I would appreciate it if this were resolved.
It would also be appreciated if the threat with photobucket could be explained a little more thoroughly, I spoke with @NortonSupport on twitter and the represenative I spoke to linked me this page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drive-by_download
However this page did not really answer my question of "How can a direct URL of an image install malicious items onto your computer?" And so, I would like to know why Photobucket is suddenly at risk, also. Was there a known server attack?
Thank you for your support!
[Edit: Removed hyperlink to a malicous webpage to conform with the Participation Guidelines and Terms of Service]