Issue abstract: Blocked Webpages and Can’t install Browser Security.
Detailed description: Some of my Webpages are blocked,even though there listed as safe on your website,also I can’t install anoy of the Broswer Security Exstensions,it just refreshes the page,this is on Firefox and Chrome.
Product & version number :24.9.9452 (build 24.9.9452.875)
OS details:Windows 11
What is the error message you are seeing? For the Webpages being blocked,I get 403 forbiden,using the VPN,if I turn the VPN off I get,Threat secured and prevented connection to the site etc.
I have tried all the advice on how to get round this,like going into VPN and turning off Ad tracking etc,it doesn’t work no matter,which VPN region I choose.
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