Blocked websites

Note: Please do not post Personally Identifiable Information like email address, personal phone number, physical home address, product key etc.

Issue abstract: Norton is blocking lots of websites that are safe

Detailed description: I just downloaded Norton to my computer and it’s now blocking tons of websites that are perfectly safe. Websites we were able to visit without issue when using McAfee. How do I get around this?

Product & version number: Norton 360

OS details: Windows 11

What is the error message you are seeing? Either it will simply say, “Hmmm…can’t reach this page” or will open Norton and say, “Threat secured. We prevented your connection to… because it is a dangerous webpage.”

If you have any supporting screenshots, please add them: Alert ID: 7dcaf2a61084/2024-09-19T19:38:00.539Z

Hello @DFay
Please confirm McAfee properly removed before installing Norton?
Please run Norton LiveUpdate + Restart (not Shut down) machine to confirm N360 is fully installed/up-to-date.

Norton 360 v24.9.9452?
Please review v24 Settings
Please review v24 Settings > Features > Browser Protection…set up to your preference.

False Positive and False Negative Submissions Portal

Submit a file or URL to Norton here

care to share example: website domain name/s?

Learn more about Browser Protection here

McAfee was fully removed, and Norton was fully installed. I can manually add these sites to the exclusion list as a workaround using the pathway you listed. I will submit these to the false positive portal. Thanks!

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Hello @DFay
Please post progress

All of a sudden my Fidelity Active Trader software won’t open! How do I enable sign-in?

Hello @WayneH_Pierson
Product & version number:
OS details:

Norton 360 v22 or v24?
installed software won’t open - and Norton is causal?

and you Log In online? or at the installed software?

Hello @WayneH_Pierson
Please post progress