Hi there,
I had successfully blocked tab.co.nz under Norton Online Family, which pertains to the full URL http://www.tab.co.nz/
However, a workaround has been found, which the full URL is https://www.tab.co.nz/ (note the s after the http), which allows access to the same site, except in secure mode. I am unable to insert https://www.tab.co.nz as a webpage to block. The current block list shows tab.co.nz as being blocked.
I have been unable to retrieve IPs when searching for http://www.tab.co.nz and https://www.tab.co.nz, only an IP when I search for www.tab.co.nz.
How do I go about blocking the https:// version of the tab.co.nz website using Online Family?
Many thanks,