Brabantia website has been hacked

Brabantia is a well-known, well-respected international supplier of products for the home. I respect the quality of their products and just hope that their IT are as good.

They emailed me a few days ago saying 

"As part of our routine monitoring we have been made aware that our database accounts have been subject to unauthorised access in the last 24 hours and that some customer details may have been compromised. However, we would like to stress that we never store any credit card or debit card details and the potentially vulnerable data is limited to name, (email)address and products ordered. "As a precautionary security measure we have cancelled all account passwords and, if you have previously set up an account with us, we invite you to use your existing user name to. . . . ".

They then give details on how to set up a new password "to regain access to your account".

When I went to their site, I had to use the 'Forgotten Password' link - fair enough - but it wasn't working. I changed my password and then got another email saying "Due to the high demand we are currently experiencing it may be best to try again later as the error could be caused by high traffic." Fair enough, all their customers are trying to change their password at the same time, causing delays.

But now comes the problem - I tried again via "Forgotten password?" and their system said an email with my temporary password has been sent, but sent to an address in an email account that I closed down. I changed my email address in my profile at the time, since when all their sales emails have come to the correct address so I can't understand why the password reset went to the old address.  So I can't get to the temporary password to resolve this. I've asked them to email another temporary password to my new address and hope that their system will allow a manual override to do this.

But the main aim of this is to ask if any of you have Brabantia on-line customers and if you're aware of/have resolved the problem.