I did a computer reset and had to re-DL Norton 360 (the current version). Thought everything was working just fine until I noticed when I was going to re-DL some other things from online browser, the Norton Download Intelligence wasn’t scanning the DL files AT ALL. Nothing is even showing up in the Download Intelligence History. I’ve ran the Update for Norton, no new updates. I tried the Repair option, doesn’t seem to of done anything either. It’s turned on and I made sure notifications were not muted. Is anyone else having this issue?
Just downloaded Norton removal tool for V24. xxx -which is a exe. file - NO notification or mention in History. This feature is critical to avoid malicious downloads, I also have DLI ON along with Notifications ON - Norton please note.
‘Old’ proper version only used to notify .exe files, downloads such as PDF’s, CSV data files were not notified. If it does scan, should it not then report in History any way even though notifications not working?
Yeah, as I thought…but, as I wrote:
Download Intelligence - Detects and analyzes suspicious files when you attempt to run or download them from the internet.
Yeah, I prefer that it shows the DL was checked (showing up in history), even if it’s safe and doesn’t need to notify. Feel safer that way and part of why I kept my Norton Subscription. Not a fan of being forced into this change. Norton could of at least offered us an option we can toggle off or on that would work like the previous Download Insight or at the very least really similar (as mentioned above).
I came across download insight…
because, this was a file, norton has never seen before.
It´s the new Beta from AdwCleaner.
Norton did a 45 seconds (can´t remember the exact time) cloud check.
For every other file - like you guy´s, I don´t see anything in my history tab.
Hello @Astrum , @mgirons , @holdypoldy_112
my first v24 Download Intelligence
Exactly, should always give a history for everything related to any action. Whats the point of history if it doesnt show anything?
However, in my experience with v24 I downloaded an unsafe file to test. Still wasnt scanned and nothing in report. Was also done with a clean install. DL intelligence is DL stupid.
This is what happens when symantec software is no longer used and we have sub par avast BS. Which is why its free.
Funny though that Gen Digital is giving paid users free software, and this is what happens. Just terrible.
Hello @Arugula177
Care to share unsafe file download source in PM.
Happy to try download, my side.
I test with URLhaus
Thanks for the reply but even if the file is safe or not. Nothing is scanned at all. That is the point I am making.
No need to link as it doesnt matter. If anything gets downloaded norton should scan it regardless just like it used to, and report that in history. But again, it never scans anything anymore in V24. Even after a clean install.
Since you now have multiple users reporting the same issue. Its not a user side issue. Its the software itself that isnt working as it should.
Thanks though as I already uninstalled and wont be using again until another update is released that replaces 24 all together.
Yes, I understand the point you’re making.
Took me a lot of testing to get one event recorded [here]
Not just Norton. McAfee tester and others complaining about similar. [here]
Totally a moot point. We arent McAfee users and pointless to bring into the discussion. 2 wrongs dont make a right.
McAfee tester and others complaining…like you…about similar [here ] feels relevant to the discussion…you’re not interested…okay