BUG in Safe Web Review Count again?

Is there another Bug in Safe Web Review Count? I have noticed this today while going over my reviews. I am not the only reviewer that the review counts don't match up. Made 4377 reviews only 4339 posted on Community Buzz page.


Safe Web Profile 4377.PNGTop Users - Cpm Buzz 4339.PNG

Looks like Reviewer count is fixed. All reviewers counts match now on Profile page & Community Buzz page. Thanks Norton. :smileyvery-happy:

Well it was working right for a few hours yesterday, now back to doesn't match again.  Looks like a BUG to me, unless Norton has been doing maintenance on the website the last few days. No big hurry to get fixed because it looks like Norton is working hard to fix other bugs. Just wanted to let Norton know about the unmatched review count. :)

Review counts match now for the last few days. Thank you for the fix.