Hi friends! One of my desktops got infected with this self replicant worm that opens the firewall and downloads tons of trojans in minutes.
The infection came bundled in an harmless file and my NIS09 was only able to recognise a minor part of the real infection. I have NIS09 and Spyware Doctor runing and Spyware Doc was able to detect 88 trojans and 1 worm, I used the program to erradicate then but it was not enough! When I rebooted to enter into safemode and delete the recycled folder and the autorun.ini file it created in all my drives and folders the pc just reboots and entering safe mode is impossible :(((((((
I searched symantec removal tools and copied the fixsirc.com to a floppy and tried to run it but it reports that it can't be run under dos mode ?????!!!!!
Tried another tool from another site, the procedure was the same, copy the tool fix_sircam.com into a floppy and running it in dos mode but same message came up.
Can I have any hope left?