Can not see option for Crypto

Hi folks, I have 6 Machines, all more than capable of mining, 3 of the machines are have crypto up and running, another 3 dont.

all machines are running RTX3060 or Better, with an i5 or i7 processor, 8gb or 16gb ram.

I have tried uninstalling and re-installing Norton 360, updating via live update, logging in and out, rebooting, uninstalling and re-installing graphics drivers.

The 3 machines that are working...just worked, I didn't have to do anything special, I opened up Norton and the option to mine was instantly available.


does anyone have any ideas?


Hi Dude-82, Can you send out

  1. information about your GPU Card device ID and vendor ID using this link as reference:

  2. Machine Details from Norton 360 → Help → about screen.

Please send this information via a DM.

@Dude-82 Will let you know the outcome, so far I have provided them with details about the machines, but nothing has changed as of yet.

I too am having a similar issue. not as many machines (only two) but one is mining fine and the other wont even show option and it's further above minimum requirements than the one that's mining fine. stats of machine that has issue are(operating system: win 10 -64, CPU: 11th gen I7, GPU: MSI 3080, MEMORY: 16gb ddr4). Tried all the troubleshooting steps as the OP with no luck. I am interested to hear if or when there is a fix for this.

Thanks for the new details. Will send you an update on this.

Thankyou and done, I supplied the wrong serial number in the first message, resent with correct serial

Can you share the details of your GPU cards and machine details (serial number and endpoint) through a DM ?