Is there any way to keep Norton AV up to date with the latest scan engine without using liveupdate?
I have a system that can never connect to any networks, but it requires an Antivirus product and that product's definitions files must be updated every 30 days or less and the scan engine must be updated within 30 days of the release of a new scan engine from the manufacturer. I am trying to determine whether or not Norton Antivirus will fit my needs. I know I can use the Intelligent Updater to keep the definitions up to date, but I can't seem to find a way to keep the scan engine up to date. Is there a way to download scan engine updates as an .exe or some other file type that can be deployed to offline systems? Can anyone help? Thanks.
Is there any way to keep Norton AV up to date with the latest scan engine without using liveupdate?
I have a system that can never connect to any networks, but it requires an Antivirus product and that product's definitions files must be updated every 30 days or less and the scan engine must be updated within 30 days of the release of a new scan engine from the manufacturer. I am trying to determine whether or not Norton Antivirus will fit my needs. I know I can use the Intelligent Updater to keep the definitions up to date, but I can't seem to find a way to keep the scan engine up to date. Is there a way to download scan engine updates as an .exe or some other file type that can be deployed to offline systems? Can anyone help? Thanks.
You cannot download the Engine updates as an exe like Intelligent Updater. It can be done only via LiveUpdate and for that the system needs to be connected to the Internet.
So without an Internet connection, you cannot get the Product Updates.
Sorry for the lack of details in the original post:
It is Windows XP SP3 x86
I am currently running Symantec Endpoint 11. Unfortunately, my licensing source for this product is via a University that is slow to release the latest versions to the user base. As a result I need to find an alternate product that will allow me to update to the latest released engine without requiring an Internet Connection.
I know it is an odd request. In my mind it is odd to even run AV on an offline system that has tight controls and pre-scanning requirements for all media introduced into the system, but running AV and maintaining definition and scan engine updates in a 30 day window is a contractual requirement for the system(s) I am seeking a solution for.
Thank you for your time and thoughtful replies.
Follow-on question: If Norton AV doesn't allow for offline updates to the scan engine, does the standard subscription service provide access to the latest releases via a downloadable installer. Meaning, when Norton releases a new product version, can you upgrade by downloading the latest installer file under the annual maintenance?
Follow-on question: If Norton AV doesn't allow for offline updates to the scan engine, does the standard subscription service provide access to the latest releases via a downloadable installer. Meaning, when Norton releases a new product version, can you upgrade by downloading the latest installer file under the annual maintenance?
Yes, you will be able to download the latest product release. For eg: the current version of 2011 is, and the download links are pointing to the 18.6 version. When Norton releases the next inline, say 18.7.x.xx, it will be initially released via LiveUpdate. Then after a few days, the builds will be refreshed and the download links will be pointing to the 18.7 version.
Symantec Endpoint is a Corporate product with their own Antivirus program which runs differently than the Retail version does. Are you now contemplating to remove the Corporate version and purchasing the retail version? If that is the case, you will have to properly remove the Corporate product and purchase a retail version and get that downloaded and installed which will require a internet connection to activate it.
Thanks for all of the feedback. I did plan to remove the stand-alone copy of SEP from the system. We run SEP on our networked systems, but this system was running from a stand-alone build that was being updated with the intelligent updater.
It looks like Norton is not an option for me, if it requires an Internet connection for activation. I'm surprised they do not list Internet Access under the system requirements.