I cannot get through to Norton to cancel my subscription for Norton 360 Deluxe.
I waited on chat for way longer than the 5 minutes told to wait. There is no email address to contact Norton tha I can find, and the 800 number I found is always busy.
Norton, please help me!
I will explain that the reason for my cancelation is because I am bombarded by offers to subscribe to new products, etc. It has just gotten to be too much!
Simply go into your Norton account online and remove autopay, remove billing info and then delete all your data.
Of course you must uninstall the product on your device.
Thank you! Will do! I did talk with a Norton customer representative whom I called at 1-866-425-0365, and the rep was lovely and helped me cancel what I thought was my Norton 360 Deluxe, but changed to Norton 360 Premium as I watched it do so on my screen. Bizarre.
She also provided me with a case number and another number to call if I needed further help. It is 1-877-294-5265. I am including this in the event someone needs another number to try.
Just so you know, there is no “Cancel” button next to my subscription at Norton dot com, or I would have made use of that to avoid trying to interact with chat or calling the toll-free number.
I will close by sharing, again, that I am overwhelmed by the Norton product line. There is too much to navigate, and the offers that suddenly appear when I am using the product on my PC are just too much.
People like me just need a simple antivirus tool, and apparently that is no longer any of Norton’s products. It is a shame because I have used Norton products since they originally became available.
Thank you for reading my frustrations in using Norton.
Unless you cancel within 60 days of purchase, you can delete all the information you want from your Norton Account. But your subscription will still be valid for the balance of the subscription period. So you can choose to lose 10 months of paid subscription, or you can continue using it while you look for an alternative.
Per my conversation with the customer service representative, I am to receive an email with my prorated refund amount. She assured me that the email would arrive today.
I have uninstalled the software from my PC and and my mobile device, and I will not be using it at all.
I am not sure if you (Peter) work for Norton, but if you do and want to escalate my cancellation to a supervisor, that would be fine with me.
Norton support chat session:
bjm: Is 1-877-294-5265 a valid legit Norton support phone number?
agent: No, 1-877-294-5265 is not a valid legit Norton support phone number.
agent: 1-800-745-6061 or 1-800-745-6034 are valid legit Norton support phone support numbers…for your country.
No, unfortunately it was dated May 11, 2024, and I canceled in mid-August. (I canceled because I just cannot stand all the ads for additional products. I just wanted to use a reliable antivirus product.)