Cannot verify norton server certificate

The Android apps stopped working approx 3 months ago. The 360 app will not allow a sign in stating:
The connection is not secure. Cannot verify the server certificate.
Similar unsecured connection error when using lifelock and trying to address alerts, etc.
Website works fine.
I have cleared cache & data, Uninstaller. Reboot phone and reinstall with same results.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for posting back. Web View app did cause multiple issues some time ago. I do not remember exactly when. Once that app got updated things seemed to return to normal.


There was an update to Android System Webview that never auto updated.

That appears to have fixed the issues.

Thanks for taking the time to help and sorry it was an app that never updated.

Strange thing is the date of the update was 9/30/21 but the apps were not functioning properly way before that.

Have you restarted your device since you have seen this issue?

Are there any other changes made to the device around the time this started? ie Did you get any OS/security updates?


Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Android 10 Apps affected: Norton 360 & LifeLock Identity

Same issue without VPN. Also, using no private DNS is being used.

What device and Android version are you using? 

You say Android apps stopped working. What apps are affected?

Are you using the VPN feature when you see this error message? If so, try without the VPN. Many web sites do not allow access from known VPN IP addresses. They do this for copyright, legal, and political reasons. There is nothing a VPN provider can or should do to circumvent these legal protections. Even some Norton services have issues with their own VPN.