Can't block usb drive in norton

hi i want to block my external  device in my laptop. like - all usb ports  ,cd\dvd other ports .

i can't block them in this antivirus.

i tried with techsupport but they unable to block my USB ports.I can easily block them in quick heal with just a click but in your antivirus there is no option.

your techsupport officer said - tell me port number of your USB . 
I am not a technical person how can i know the port number?

then i said- ok tell me how to check port no. he don't he give me the number of microsoft.  

they said we can block it with usb of your tech support tried but fail to block usb.

so, its a waste of money for me because i cant block my system usb ports.

in quick heal i can easily block them with single click.

i will never buy this product again totally waste of money.there is no safe banking protection in it.  

very bad .