Can't boot into XP Pro after copying drive

I have two drives in my system. One is the XP Pro drive, the other is my Vista 32 & Vista x64 dual boot drive.

I selected the Vista drive, as Ghost is installed on the Vista 32 partion.


So, I boot into Vista 32, copied my XP drive (which was working PERFECTLY) to a USB drive for a complete clone / backup. The copy goes without issue. I restart, select the XP drive (my main working OS) and I see an additional line in the boot option showing "Windows XP / 2003" which was never there before. I select the regular Windows XP choice (which I never had to do before, the PC would just automatically boot in, no dual boot on this drive) and the computer hangs at the blue Windows XP screen (where you would see the sign in box, if you had to enter a password).


I pull out the XP Pro CD, restart and go to Recovery Console to try to repair the XP install, figuring something stupid happened with the boot sector, and I cannot log in to repair the OS because my Administrator password won't work. So, once again, I am screwed after using Ghost 14.


Another thing, the same line "Windows XP /2003" was listed when I went back to the Vista drive (I used to only have two choices, Vista 32 and Vista 64). I was able to remove this line by editing the boot info.


What the hell happened?


Has anyone had this happen and if so, is there a way to fix this?


I was able to check the boot.ini file in the XP drive, everything seemed fine. The system just hangs and I cannot log in.


Any help is appreciated. Ironic this happened when I decide to use Ghost again.


Very frustrated.

