Can't Download Online Files to New Computer

I had Norton 360 and online storage on my old laptop.  Now I have a new laptop but can't seem to locate my files to download them.  When I go to the online storage site and click Download Files, nothing happens.  I don't have a 360 disk to install on this computer, but I've signed in to my account and it seems to be working as far as protection goes.  I can't go to Tasks and find "Backup tasks," as somone suggested, since that doesn't seem to be on this computer either.  Please help.  (I'm using Windows 7 on a 64 bit Toshiba Satellite.  My old one was also a Satellite but 34 bit and Vista.)


<<  I don't have a 360 disk to install on this computer, >>


That sounds as if you have not installed N 360 on the new computer -- you have to do that.


Are you still using the old laptop?


Is your subscription to Norton 360 still valid with time left unexpired? It was for 3 PCs?


Was it Norton 360 Standard or Premier?


What security program came installed on your new laptop? Is it still there or did you uninstall it or .... ?


We do need some more information from you and then can point you in the right direction including where to download Norton 360 from in order to install on your new PC.



huwyngr wrote:

<<  I don't have a 360 disk to install on this computer, >>


That sounds as if you have not installed N 360 on the new computer -- you have to do that.


Are you still using the old laptop?


Is your subscription to Norton 360 still valid with time left unexpired? It was for 3 PCs?


Was it Norton 360 Standard or Premier?


What security program came installed on your new laptop? Is it still there or did you uninstall it or .... ?


We do need some more information from you and then can point you in the right direction including where to download Norton 360 from in order to install on your new PC.


      I'm on the old one right now but it's unstable.  I will uninstall the Norton version on the new one (I haven't activated it.)  Yes I have about 23 days left on my subscription and I recently bought 5 GB of online storage.  I think it's the Norton 360 standard, which came loaded when I got it at Office Depot 3 years ago.  (Sounds like it's not for 3 computers!).   Also sounds like I am toast!




I had Norton 360 and online storage on my old laptop.  Now I have a new laptop but can't seem to locate my files to download them.  When I go to the online storage site and click Download Files, nothing happens.  I don't have a 360 disk to install on this computer, but I've signed in to my account and it seems to be working as far as protection goes.  I can't go to Tasks and find "Backup tasks," as somone suggested, since that doesn't seem to be on this computer either.  Please help.  (I'm using Windows 7 on a 64 bit Toshiba Satellite.  My old one was also a Satellite but 34 bit and Vista.)

                                                  ​                           Jean

Hi Jean,


if you have a still running subscription for Norton 360, here's how you can install it on your new computer:

The solution for this would be to remove the program with the Norton Removal Tool, and then reinstall it.
Here are the steps:
1. If you use the feature, please backup your Identity Safe data (Settings -> Identity Protection -> Backup) on the other machine(s), and copy the *.NPE file to a pendrive
2. Download latest Norton 360 installer, only the one you bought previously:
- Standard with 2GB Online Storage
- Premier with 25GB Online Storage
- Standard Netbook Edition with 2GB Online Storage
- Premier Netbook Edition with 25GB Online Storage
- for other languages than English please go to the Norton Update Center:
3. Disconnect from internet
4. Remove the seucrity product that was installed to your machine by the manufacturer from Start Menu or from Control Panel -> Add or Remove programs
5. Reboot
6. Install Norton 360 version 5 with the downloaded installer
7. Reconnect to the internet
8. Activate Norton 360 version 5 with the same key you have for the other PCs
9. Run Live Update until you get no new updates
10. Restore your Identity Safe data (Settings ->Identity Protection -> Restore)

Let us know the results.

     Thanks, but I don't see Backup under Settings for Identity Protection, and I can't find any *.NPE file.  Where should I look?  I searched the entire computer.


JeanD wrote:


      I'm on the old one right now but it's unstable.  I will uninstall the Norton version on the new one (I haven't activated it.)  Yes I have about 23 days left on my subscription and I recently bought 5 GB of online storage.  I think it's the Norton 360 standard, which came loaded when I got it at Office Depot 3 years ago.  (Sounds like it's not for 3 computers!).   Also sounds like I am toast!



Why do you want to uninstall N 360 from the NEW PC? If you can access your MyNortonAccount and it seems activated -- you can see how many activations available -- then you need the N 360 on your new PC.


What I think we need to know is what version of Norton 360 is on the old PC -- clcik on Support / About and it's there as Version ID as a group of numbers like nn.nn.nn.nnn 


Then we need to know what version of N 360 you have installed on the new PC -- did you install it from the original disk or did you download it? Again click on Help / Support and give us the Version ID as before.


What I'm fishing around is that I think I"ve seen something about problems in recovering an old version backup using a new version of N360 but there is a work around.



huwyngr wrote:

JeanD wrote:


      I'm on the old one right now but it's unstable.  I will uninstall the Norton version on the new one (I haven't activated it.)  Yes I have about 23 days left on my subscription and I recently bought 5 GB of online storage.  I think it's the Norton 360 standard, which came loaded when I got it at Office Depot 3 years ago.  (Sounds like it's not for 3 computers!).   Also sounds like I am toast!



Why do you want to uninstall N 360 from the NEW PC? If you can access your MyNortonAccount and it seems activated -- you can see how many activations available -- then you need the N 360 on your new PC.


What I think we need to know is what version of Norton 360 is on the old PC -- clcik on Support / About and it's there as Version ID as a group of numbers like nn.nn.nn.nnn 


Then we need to know what version of N 360 you have installed on the new PC -- did you install it from the original disk or did you download it? Again click on Help / Support and give us the Version ID as before.


What I'm fishing around is that I think I"ve seen something about problems in recovering an old version backup using a new version of N360 but there is a work around.



       I don't have N 360 on my new PC, it's some other version of Norton that came on the computer, a trial version


       On my old PC the version is




OK -- Uninstall it using the normal Windows Uninstall Programs control -- Easy way to find with Windows 7 si to click on Start and type Remove Programs in the box and use the link to brings up.


After uninstalling like that reboot the computer and then download and run the Norton Removal Tool as below:

This link: Symantec Norton Removal Tool. will direct you to the current Symantec Norton Removal Tool and insstructions on how to use it. Just select the right entry on the list probably the ragbag one a few lines down.


Run it / reboot / run it again is what we recommend.


Then install your matching version of Norton 360 from below:


- Standard with 2GB Online Storage

- Premier with 25GB Online Storage


This will download a one piece installation file for Norton 360 so download it to a place where you can find it again -- don't use the RUN option that Windows gives you for downloading files.


Then when you are ready to install since you are using Windows 7 64 bit I recommend that you start the installation by Right Mouse Clicking on the file you downloaded and selecting Run as Administrator since I find this can give more reliable results.


I hope that is clear -- the link to the Norton Removal Tool willl give you a different way of downloading but I recommend you do it this way. When it asks you to Subscribe or Activate point it to the MyNortonAccount you created for the old computer and it should activate or you can find the KEY there by clicking on the entry for the product.


If you get a message about exceeeding the permitted number of activations you can just contact Norton Online Custormer Support via CHAT as below and they will release the old crashed activation if you tell them what happened.

To contact customer support Click on this link and work on from there. You may have to scroll down a little to see the SCAN button.

You can choose CHAT or Email; email or phone may have a long wait time and feedback from users tells us that CHAT is by far the best at resolving problems.

Note that that link is to the USA/CAN website so if you are located elsewhere I'm sure you will be able to find the equivalent location on your local Symantec website; some pages have a link at the top right where you can select the country you are located in.


We can deal with the recovery on the new PC of the backups created by the old one once you have N 360 installed -- someone else is asking the same question here in this Forum at this moment! But when you talk with CUstomeer Support by CHAT, if you have to, you an tell them what you need to do and they may be able to help you on line. But see what comes up here since I've asked for help on this.

Please let us know how you get on or have any questions ....


PS It is not necessary to quote back if you just begin by making it clear which person you are replying to if several have answered!

      Thanks, I will try that.  I think I finally get it.  Thanks for your patience, and I'll let you know.




Thanks for your step by step patience to -- it takes two to tango ....


Let us know how it goes and watch for some specific help on recovering the backups



         It worked perfectly.  Thanks!   I now have 360 on my new PC, under my old account.


         I'll watch for the instructions on retrieving backup. 
