Can't figure out how to make a boot USB for Norton Ghost 15


I found this thread - followed all the steps for creating a bootable USB 


Run the diskpart command line app as admin
    * list disk to find the drive number of your usb stick.
    * select disk #  to select the usb disk (put the number you found in the previous step in place of the # - be absolutely certain you have the right number!)
    * clean
    * create partition primary
    * select partition 1
    * active
    * format fs=ntfs
    * assign
    * exit
Insert your Windows Vista / 7 DVD into your drive
Change directory to the DVD's boot directory where bootsect lives:
cd  :\boot
Use bootsect to set the USB as a bootable NTFS drive prepared for a Vista/7 image. I'm assuming that your USB flash drive has been labeled disk G:\ by the computer:
bootsect /nt60 g:

copy your NG Recovery to your usb


My problem is when I get to this line -

copy your NG Recovery to your usb


Where do I find NG recovery?  What are the file or files?  thanks

Here is the easiest way that I know how...


Also read the third post about copying bootsect.exe.

The "NG Recovery" is the Ghost 15 recovery disk.

If you don't have one you can download it from here


A couple things to note, take a look at that post you linked to and look at the posts from me and Brian.


If you format the flash drive in FAT32 it's going to be quicker and it's actually going to boot faster without the NTFS file system overhead.  Also, you don't need to do any of the steps using bootsect, the flash drive will already have the correct boot sector if it was prepared in Vista or windows 7.


Run the diskpart command line app as admin
    * list disk to find the drive number of your usb stick.
    * select disk #  to select the usb disk (put the number you found in the previous step in place of the # - be absolutely certain you have the right number!)
    * clean
    * create partition primary
    * select partition 1
    * active
    * format fs=fat32 quick
    * assign
    * exit


At that point the flash drive has been prepared, all you need to do is copy eveything off the recovery disk onto the flash drive.

If you have a compression program like 7-zip or winrar you can directly extract the ISO onto the drive.

Otherwise you can burn the ISO to a CD and then copy everything from the CD onto the flash drive.

If you first make a custom recovery disk you can also  input your serial number and never have to need it when using the flash drive.



Yes Dave,

As I said, type in xcopy Optical drive letter(I:)\*.*(space)/s/e/f/(space) then usb drive letter(J:) and it will work as I outlined above

As soon as you type the line in, xcopy etc it will start the process straight away and bingo you have a bootable usb flash drive with Vista loaded on it.I used a minimum of a 4 gig drive to complete the transfer of files.



Were not trying to make a vista install flash drive, just the ghost recovery disk on a flash drive.

But sure, once the flash drive is prepared it doesn't really matter how you get all the files on it.  You can use xcopy or windows explorer.  I don't bother with a CD in the first place, I always extract the iso onto the flash drive



Ok, my misunderstanding, anyway some users might benefit from that little bit of info:smileyhappy:




I found this thread - followed all the steps for creating a bootable USB 


Run the diskpart command line app as admin
    * list disk to find the drive number of your usb stick.
    * select disk #  to select the usb disk (put the number you found in the previous step in place of the # - be absolutely certain you have the right number!)
    * clean
    * create partition primary
    * select partition 1
    * active
    * format fs=ntfs
    * assign
    * exit
Insert your Windows Vista / 7 DVD into your drive
Change directory to the DVD's boot directory where bootsect lives:
cd  :\boot
Use bootsect to set the USB as a bootable NTFS drive prepared for a Vista/7 image. I'm assuming that your USB flash drive has been labeled disk G:\ by the computer:
bootsect /nt60 g:

copy your NG Recovery to your usb


My problem is when I get to this line -

copy your NG Recovery to your usb


Where do I find NG recovery?  What are the file or files?  thanks

Thanks everyone for the replies - all set now.