I have reinstalled 3 times on one machine but I can't complete the last step of the reinstallation which is activation (i get error 8505,100 which suggests another reinstall). My question: I have a big green box saying 'secure' in the NIS gui, sonar which was red has disappeared (?) and I see subs status is 'active' - can I assume that I am protected and I dont need to enter the activation code?
In account manager it shows the correct number of licences in use.
I also can't see any boards where 'new message' is enabled. It would be really helpful to have an email address because I seriously not in the mood to 'chat'. And I dont think much of companies who use customers to help other customers, however, at this point the forum seems the only channel. (I also dislike forums as I have to login to yet another application for thread).