When I click on the down arrow in RESTORE I see no files, but they’re there online. How can I restore a backup set if I can’t see the files?
Norton 360 v22.x or v24.x
Did you try #2 Files => Browse for Files and Folders
Please review:
Restore pictures, music, or other important files from Norton backup sets
I am experiencing the same issue. The Norton Drive on my PC disappeared and I am not able to back up or retrieve my files. Also Norton is constantly tried to sync the backup and draining my battery.
I am not sure how to include screenshots.
Thank you!
try Upload
I posted image [here] via copy/paste
Use Snipping Tool to capture screenshots
I tried again and can’t do it.
But how come the Norton drive disappeared. It happened after the new interface was deployed, 2 days ago.
Geez, Sorry.
IDK maybe new Community members are restricted.
Are you Norton 360 v22.x or v24.x??
You reviewed your Backup Settings??
You ran LiveUpdate + restarted (not Shut down) machine??
Norton v24. It looks like the backup settings were changed from my original settings which were only to back up Documents.
But how come the Norton drive disappeared. It happened after the new interface was deployed, 2 days ago.
How do I run LiveUpdate?
Sorry, I’ve not seen v24.x. I’m still v22.x.
Maybe, users need to review their Norton Settings upon v24.x update.
Maybe, users can run LiveUpdate from Norton systray icon same as v22.x ?
Maybe, watch video…https://us.norton.com/new-norton-app
Security tab has LiveUpdate
Thank you, will do!
I also noticed that there is a new folder C:\N360_BACKUP … created also 2 days ago, and it’s 24.4 GB. Is it safe to delete?
There might not be enough space on my disk without deleting it. I do not care about those files, they are in the cloud too.
Yeah, start fresh.
Hmm, I’m remembering seeing C:\N360_BACKUP…but, I’m not finding now.
I don’t use Norton Drive.
Maybe, v24.x update is like reinstalling Norton 360.
Upon Norton 360 v22.x reinstall. I’ve had to setup backup, again.
I will see if I can just run a Live Update. it looks like there is not enough space on the disk to create the Norton drive so it was not created.
I the case I need to Remove and Reinstall will the app be able to reuse the same license?
Thank you!
Yes, installs/reinstalls same device use same seat.
Are you backing up to your boot drive C:
Are you backing to an external drive?
Yes but not using Norton, just manually.
Great, thanks for confirming!
Okay…I was trying to recall when N360_BACKUP is created.
N360_BACKUP is created with Norton backup to external drive.
N360_BACKUP is created with Norton backup to internal drive.
It looks a little different on my PC: This PC > Local Disk (C:) > N360_BACKUP
I will open a ticket tomorrow. I tried to delete a file from this folder but it ask for permission (UAC) so I canceled it.
Thank you for your help!