ccSvcHost causes complete system slow down

Hi everyone.


I'm running Norton Antivirus version on my Dell (Windows XP) XPS (Gen 3) desktop computer . For some reason, randomly, when I'm not using my computer (seems to only happen when I'm idle), my computer CPU usage skyrockets like like 99-100%. When I finally manage to CTRL+ALT+DEL, it's clear that the program using the CPU to this extent is ccSvcHost, which appears to be a Norton-based program. After I let it do its thing for like 15 minutes, it seems to calm down and everything is fine. I'm entirely unsure as to why this happens, but I've already disabled auto-protect, idle-time scan, etc, and it continues to happen.


All help appreciated. Thanks!



There are several tasks that happen during idle time depending on your settings.  When your machine is idle, scans will run, optimization will run, Community watch submissions are sent.  This is part of the housekeeping that happens in idle time, so as not to interrupt the user's time.  The tasks should be allowed to run.

What other security are you running? Also upgrade to NAV 2010. Your using NAV 2009.

I'm running no other security.


How do I get NAV 2010?


And that'd be great if it ONLY happened during idle in if it stopped when i needed to use the computer again... but it's no good if it runs every time my computer is idle, and then it takes me 20 minutes after i move the mouse (when I need to get stuff done again) before things start to work at normal speeds again. Is there any way to turn this (crap) off?

Hi icydash:


You can find the latest version of 2010 here.  Choose NAV2010.  Since you may be having difficulties with the NAV2009, you may want to use the Norton removal tool to clear it off before installing 2010.  You will need to run liveupdate until it says no more are available.  Reboot the machine, even if it does not call for it.


Norton Removal Tool


Latest versions


You will be able to open the main screen, go to settings at the top, and turn off idle time scans.  In the main screen, click on scan to schedule scans if you wish, or run them manually.  Idle time quick scans will continue to run as new deinitions arrive, but last only seconds.