ccSvcHst Error when shutting down -- Norton 2008

Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.

Hi Student08,




You landed on your feet - there are plenty of people to help sort things out for you.


We don't know enough information just yet.  Would you please tell us details about your operationing system, version of NIS (norton internet security) and confirm that this error message happens every time as opposed to know and then.


In XP PRO, I've noticed this can happen on occasion - it may be related to a live update process being flakey or interupted or windows is misbehaving or .. lots of reasons.  None permanent so far and not a problem.


It's best to do some housekepping.  Make certain that your version of NIS is up to date by running liveupdate until you have gotten everything.  Check you version of NIS ... for 2008 it should be  


See if this (updating NIS) sorts out you problem and let us know.  BTW - if you need to update to NIS2008 this is the file you want.  Download and install it over the top of you installation - it should remove the earlier version.


BTW -  ccSvcHst is an executable file - part of the symantec service framework (if this means anything to you).  You can google it if you are curious.  This site has some interesting info.  technology questions and how to fix ccSvcHst.ext.

Please let us know how you get on ...



Message Edited by mcullet on 07-23-2008 07:00 PM
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I get this one too. I would estimate in average every 2nd-3rd shutdown.

I have an alternation of that with an application from HP that manages updates on HP software in my laptop.


WinXP+NIS2008 latest version (x.23) here.

TEEZR wrote:

I get this one too. I would estimate in average every 2nd-3rd shutdown.

I have an alternation of that with an application from HP that manages updates on HP software in my laptop.


WinXP+NIS2008 latest version (x.23) here.

Hi ...  we meet again :)


Thankx for that added info.  


This may or may not be of any help for either of you.  Worth a shot.


I have found a direct correlation between how long I wait for XP to boot up before I log onto my account and NIS stability.  A lot depends upon your system and how it's configured (hardware and software).  


Try to get hold of Mike Lins Startup Monitor and control panel applet.  Each has it's use and they both work brilliantly well (small footprint).


You would be quite surprised at what is loaded when your system cranks up.  If you look at the results of the control panel applet for StartUp ... see if there is anything you *don't* need.  Lots of stuff is auto loaded for smile factor ... not needed for running the system.


And if you are interested you can take a look at what services are running.  Many are unnecessary and can be stopped and put on manual start up.


My point is that by trimming things down only to those programs and services that you must have, you minimise your exposure to program conflicts - not all things play well together.


HTH ...


Let me know how it goes

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Hi Student08,


I was wondering how things were going with your problem.  Have you had a chance to do what I suggested?  Just curious in case we can call this solved.




sorry!! I've been away and not had a chance to respond.

I'm running Norton Internet Security 2008 on Windows XP professional. (ServiceP3) 

Error message happens every time at shut down, but it closes by itself and the computer shuts down by itself.

I'll do what you suggested and get back to you ASAP.


Thanks for the help :)

Message Edited by Student08 on 07-24-2008 10:15 AM

If it closes by itself, then you’re fine. Because Norton Internet Security is always running in the background, a lot of it can sometimes go to sleep (get paged out) and, strangely enough, when you want to shut down, it has to be woken up (paged in) in order to tell that the system is shutting down. This, among other factors, can make NIS slower than the operating system likes to shut down. The operating system is warning you that it MAY be a hung/crashed application but in your case it’s not.

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Oh ok. Also my software is version even after running Live Update. Does this mean there is a problem with my update application?

No, that's as expected. There is a refreshed version that wraps up a lot of the LiveUpdate fixes and has a few performance improvements if you're interested. If you use Identity Safe and FireFox 3, you do need the refreshed version, and its LiveUpdates. You can get the newer version from Norton Internet Security Product Update if you're interested.

Message Edited by reese_anschultz on 07-24-2008 11:34 AM

I am interested in the newest version. How would I go about getting it? A previous poster above gave a link for an update. Is this how I would go about doing it?


Ah ok I see it's the same. :) Thank you for all the help. I'll see if the new version makes any difference.

Message Edited by Student08 on 07-24-2008 11:31 AM

That would work. I updated my original comment to essentially point to the same thing.

Student08 wrote:
Oh ok. Also my software is version even after running Live Update. Does this mean there is a problem with my update application?

Hi again,


Glad to see that you came back.


No problem with liveupdate - it's a WAD (works as designed). NIS2008 had a lot of internal fixes.


The update is really a BIG file ... about 60 megs or so.  A lot of people still use dial-up and the prevailing view was to set aside the update file and let people pick and choose rather than tie up their system for ages.  Some folk were unimpressed - others ... meh.


The file you want is here.  You will still need to do a few liveupdates to get everything squared away.  As to what is 'updated' during these processes ... it depends.  Most of the time the virus definitions are updated - I think that happens about 3 or 4 times a day.  As new programs come into view the firewall needs to know how to handle them ... so rules might change.  There's more to it of course but that's the broad picture.


Another reason I'm delighted that you came back is so that we can make sure your OK and check to see if our suggestions were helpful.  We can't 'see' your system and rely on your advice (and patience) to make certain our suggestions do the job.


BTW - the update is worth doing.  I've recently had the misfortune of landing on a few nasty websites that tried to push / install malware into my PC.  I opened up a result from a google search - nothing dramatic.  NIS2008 worked perfectly.  I know that some people complain about the product.  While I respect their opinion, it's really tough to argue against concrete results.  NIS2008 saved the day (quiet as a mouse).  On that single instance, the product save me about 15 - 20 hours of work (min). 


How good is that for a return on investment?  Anyway ... this should get you going in the right direction ... just install the update ... liveupdate until there no more and see how things go.


Cheers -

Hi there, I installed the updated version and now LiveUpdate is not working.

It's giving me the error message:

Error: "LU1814: LiveUpdate could not retrieve the update list" while running LiveUpdate for Norton 2008 product

Also, it won't let me turn on Outgoing and Incoming Email Scanning.


This is proving to be quite a frustrating process! Any help would be appreciated.

The canned response would be to tell you to uninstall, run the Norton Removal Tool, re-install. You may wish to try the recommendations for Error: "LU1814: LiveUpdate could not retrieve the update list" first though.

I have already tried all the support page suggestions, but no fix. Now if I use the removal tool, should I re-install my old version from the CD or go with the 15.5?

I would still suggest 15.5.

Oh also, the Norton 2008 purchased was one that can be used for 3 computers. It is already installed on 2 computers including this one, but the 3rd must be installed in the future. This Removal Tool and reinstallation will not compromise the installation on the 3rd computer will it? i.e. will it recognize my computer as having already installed before and still as computer 2/3

When you reinstall on your current computer, it’ll recognize that it is still the same computer and not use up your remaining license.

The removal tool and reinstall went fine, and Norton seems to be working without problems. Liveupdate was successful. I am still getting the ccSvcHst end program error at shutdown but it does not concern me, as I was told that it is nothing to worry about.


Thanks to all who helped!! 

I’m glad that we could be of some assistance!