CCSVCHST.EXE causes a CPU usage of 90-100% and will not go off. In other words, ccsvchst is running at full CPU utilization. Fan goes into extreme run mode. When I shut down the computer and then turn it back on it goes back to CPU usage of 90-100% and will not go off. This will happen 5 or 6 times in a row.
The problem seems to be random but it does happen more when going on the internet.
However, this problem only happened when NIS was upgraded to 2012 (19).
No other software has been added except mouse jiggler which I installed to keep the system from going into idle. It seems to help sometimes.
Things I have tried
I've used Norton Removal Tool and reinstalled NIS.
I have tried to solve the problem by turning Silent Mode ON. This helped for a while.
I installed mouse jiggler to keep the system from going into idle. It seems to help sometimes.
I will not reinstall Windows from scratch! I will buy another product first.
Any suggestions?
Is there any way to go back to an older version of NIS?
Hardware and Software Settings
I have a Dell Precision M90 Notebook, Intel Core2 Duo Processor T7200 2.00GHz/667MHz/2 GB, DDR2-667 SDRAM, 2 DIMM
WINDOWS XP PRO version 2002 Service Pack 3 (SP3)
I Run Quick scan every night, a full scan every week and keep mouse jiggler on continously (which I put on only for this problem.
I have Norton Internet Security Version 2012 (
My General Settings are as follows:
Automatic Resume Delay 20 min
Automatic Tasks Delay 20 min
Idle Time Optimizer OFF
Idle Time Optimizer OFF
Idle Time Out 30 min
Norton Task Notification OFF
Power Saving Mode OFF
Monthly Report OFF
Special Offer Notification OFF
Insight Protection ON
Norton Community Watch ON
The Detailed Error Data Collection (Ask Me)
Performance Alerting ON
Resource Threshold Profile for Alerting MEDIUM
Use Low Resource Profile On Battery Power ON
Alert for High-Usage of:
Memory ON
Disk ON
Handles ON
Non-Admins Access to Settings OFF
Norton Product Tamper Protection ON
Settings Password Protection OFF
Silent Mode ON
Full Screen Detection ON
Quiet Mode on Detection of IMAPI 2.0 Disk Burn ON
Media Center TV Recording ON
I am having the same promlem, CCSVCHST,exe is permanently taking half of my CPU. I have tried the guidance here but it does not help, After Native install followed by reboot the Norton remover, then reinstall I was not asked for the key again so I suspect there is still data left on the computer after removal.
Help - I want control of my pc back. If it goes on much longer without a solution I will be forced to remove Norton permanently (IS 2012)
I'm having the SAME problem. It's taking 50% of my CPU and I can't shut it off.
It get's plenty of idle time overnight, every night. Does a screensaver running count as Idle Time or does it consider that to be something causing an 'active' state?
Was there a recent update to be causing this? It appears this thread is only a few days old and yet it's growing.
CCSVCHST.EXE causes a CPU usage of 90-100% and will not go off. In other words, ccsvchst is running at full CPU utilization. Fan goes into extreme run mode. When I shut down the computer and then turn it back on it goes back to CPU usage of 90-100% and will not go off. This will happen 5 or 6 times in a row.
The problem seems to be random but it does happen more when going on the internet.
However, this problem only happened when NIS was upgraded to 2012 (19).
No other software has been added except mouse jiggler which I installed to keep the system from going into idle. It seems to help sometimes.
Things I have tried
I've used Norton Removal Tool and reinstalled NIS.
I have tried to solve the problem by turning Silent Mode ON. This helped for a while.
I installed mouse jiggler to keep the system from going into idle. It seems to help sometimes.
I will not reinstall Windows from scratch! I will buy another product first.
Any suggestions?
Is there any way to go back to an older version of NIS?
Hardware and Software Settings
I have a Dell Precision M90 Notebook, Intel Core2 Duo Processor T7200 2.00GHz/667MHz/2 GB, DDR2-667 SDRAM, 2 DIMM
WINDOWS XP PRO version 2002 Service Pack 3 (SP3)
I Run Quick scan every night, a full scan every week and keep mouse jiggler on continously (which I put on only for this problem.
I have Norton Internet Security Version 2012 (
My General Settings are as follows:
Automatic Resume Delay 20 min
Automatic Tasks Delay 20 min
Idle Time Optimizer OFF
Idle Time Optimizer OFF
Idle Time Out 30 min
Norton Task Notification OFF
Power Saving Mode OFF
Monthly Report OFF
Special Offer Notification OFF
Insight Protection ON
Norton Community Watch ON
The Detailed Error Data Collection (Ask Me)
Performance Alerting ON
Resource Threshold Profile for Alerting MEDIUM
Use Low Resource Profile On Battery Power ON
Alert for High-Usage of:
Memory ON
Disk ON
Handles ON
Non-Admins Access to Settings OFF
Norton Product Tamper Protection ON
Settings Password Protection OFF
Silent Mode ON
Full Screen Detection ON
Quiet Mode on Detection of IMAPI 2.0 Disk Burn ON
Media Center TV Recording ON
I have the same problem . Misery! Doesnt matter how much idle time I give it, how many times I prohibit backups, downloads , housekeeping etc while the pc is in use - Norton STILL hogs all the resources and I am lucky to get a response after 30 seconds to a single keystroke. THIS REALLY NEEDS FIXING
SantaFe indicated that the operating system involved is XP Pro SP3.
Could everyone else who has posted the same problem let us know your operating system and service pack?
Also, if you could post a screenshot of the Norton Performance Graph during the periods of high usage, that may be helpful.
Check this link for information on posting screenshots here.
Thank you for so promply addressing my problem. The following is an answer to your questions and some more questions of my own.
Phil's question: The first question I must ask is if you have any other security program running in realtime. If so, that can set up conflicts and we should deal with that depending upon your answer.
SantaFe's answer: There are no other security programs running. 2011 NIS has done a great job protecting the system and working properly until NIS 2012.
Phil stated: I understand that you have made some changes in an effort to deal with the problems you experienced, however based upon your description, it appears that your machine never has the opportunity to go into idle mode. That combined with having Silent Mode turned on would make it difficult for NIS 2012 to perform many background tasks which are generally reserved for when your machine is idle. I would suggest allowing some idle time so that these tasks can be performed.
SantaFe comment: You are correct, I have tried to keep the Dell notebook from going into idle mode. When it goes into idle mode it also goes to 100% capacity and the fan etc goes into extreme mode. The sound will drive you crazy and it never leaves 100% capacity no matter what I do. Shut it down, it comes back at 100% capacity. Last time it happened, it took 6 shutdowns before it would comeback without the 100% capacity. I put NIS 2012 in silent mode and mouse jiggler on to stop the problem. That worked for a few days.
Phil stated: You may want to perform a complete uninstall and reinstall even though you have previously run the Norton Removal Tool. By design, the Norton Removal Tool leaves some files behind in the event the user wishes to reinstall the product.
The preferred approach is to run the native uninstaller before using the NRT.
Uninstall your current Norton Version via Add-Remove Programs or Programs and Features.
SantaFe comment: Your webpage states "Download and run the Norton Removal Tool to remove your Norton product" at
The Norton Removal Tool uninstalls all Norton 2003 and later products, Norton 360, and Norton SystemWorks 12.0 from your computer. If you have pcAnywhere or WinFax, uninstall it using Add or Remove Programs before running the Norton Removal Tool. (It does not say to uninstall NIS by using Add or Remove Programs)
If your real instructions are to uninstall NIS using Add or Remove Programs, I suggest you modify this page to make it Step #1 and make Step #2 Download and run the Norton Removal Tool to remove your Norton product.
What I did:
I followed your instructons. First, I Downloaded Norton Download Manager
and Norton Removal Tool to a folder
(The instruction on this page should say to first uninstalled NIS via Add-Remove Programs)
I Choose “Run As Administrator” when was given the option.
I Uninstalled NIS 2012 via Add-Remove Programs
Norton uninstall took over and I selected "Remove all user data...."
I Restarted the computer.
In safe mode, I ran the Norton Removal Tool. NRT restarted computer.
In normal mode, I ran the Norton Removal Tool. NRT restarted computer.
(I do not know if this was necessary, but another Norton employee recommended it)
In safe mode, I ran the Norton Removal Tool. NRT restarted computer.
Next, I shut down the computer completely and restarted the computer.
Finally, I ran Norton Download Manager which installed NIS 2012 and it found my product key etc. All settings were the default settings. I did NOT put NIS 2012 in silent mode nor did I run mouse jiggler.
What happened after I followed your instructions:
A few hours later, the computer went to 100% capacity with CCSVCHST.EXE being the problem.
How can I get my old NIS 2011 back? Do you have a location for NIS 2011 on the norton website?
(I assume I should Uninstalled NIS 2012 via Add-Remove Programs and Norton Removal Tool before I install NIS 2011.)
I am sorry to hear that you are still experiencing issues with NIS 2012.
Let me just clarify that I am not employed by Symantec. I am just a member here as are you. In that regard, I will pass along your comments about the NRT webpage.
If you think that NIS 2011 will suit your machine better, here is the direct download link:
Save this to your desktop.
**If you use Identity Safe and have imported all of your logins to NIS 2012, they cannot be re-imported into NIS 2011. NIS 2012 stores the logins as a .dat file. NIS 2011 uses a .npm file. In other words, Identity Safe is forward compatible with NIS 2012, but not backward compatible. However, if you still have an npm backup of your data which you created with NIS 2011, that can be imported into NIS 2011.
"I assume I should Uninstall NIS 2012 via Add-Remove Programs and Norton Removal Tool before I install NIS 2011" - Yes.
Once NIS 2011 is installed you will have to Run LIve Update numeorus times to get all the updates and to bring you up to version Restarts will be required.
Let us know how you do.
this is also occuring on our computer. We are running Windows XP SP3. When i checked the processes running, the ccsvchst.exe was taking up 100% of the cpu. We rebooted and the problems seems to have resolved itself. However, if in a few hours the problem is back, then I think Norton has some issues they need to resolve with their latest update.
I, too, have been having the same problems. However, I only have Dial-Up (cave man, I know) but it did afford me a little luxury, though, in that when I uninstalled/reinstalled it ran fine (no large CPU ccsvchst.exe running) until I downloaded the latest definitions. Sooo, maybe this observation will help determine the cause and solution.
To restate, since I am on dial-up, this makes things exceedingly painful because it affects how firefox runs... and I'm almost frustrated enough to find another security solution.
Hi, SantaFe,
If you are still using NIS 2012 could you please go to the main Norton UI, then click on "performance" and then click "Norton tasks".
On one of my 3 laptops, the oldest, with XP Pro SP3 and single core processor, sometimes the "tranparent" task "Product Maintenance" while usually it take 1 or 2 secs to complete and uses almost no CPU resources,, in random occasions while it previously failed to complete, it uses 100% of CPU for about 1 minute.
Furthermore, one time it used 100% of the CPU and took 17!!!!!! minutes to complete.
I do not know what triggered that behavior but maybe a failure of that process (which is included in ccsvchst.exe process), could be the reason.
It would be helpful if you could provide a screenshot of those tasks so we can see if all Norton tasks are successfully completed.
Hope this helps,
I'll join the crowd. Mine is either similar or different from others. Ever since the upgrade from to the current is when my problem started. Mine is when the system goes into idle time. If I so much as go to the kitchen to grab something cold, or to the bathroom, or outside to get the mail and talk to the neighbor, the CPU goes through the roof at 100%. This is crazy. I have an older system which is listed below, and I'm not about to have it ripped to pieces by NIS 2012.
To be perfectly clear, this only started since NIS Engine was installed from live update when it came out. No problem of this sort before that. This computer has always had plenty of idle time so Norton could perform all of the background tasks that it needs to do.
I'm not going to do an uninstall and reinstall, which is the common suggestion, again since this only started since the last upgrade. Maybe other XP users are having this also, I don't know. Until there's a fix on this, I have taken the silly route of installing that Mouse Jiggle thing and so far it works.
I know people will say, you shouldn't do that because now your system won't go into idle time. I couldn't agree more. At the same time, I'm not going to have my system run right through the floor when I step outside either. I've been using NIS since 2007, upgrading each year and keeping a constant subscription the whole time. I hope to keep doing so. Until this is resolved, I guess the mouse jiggle tool and I will become friends.
Windows XP Home SP3 32bit * NIS 2012 ( * Chrome 18.0.1025.168 IE8 * MBAM Free
i have winxp,sp3,ie8,nis2012. old machine768mb of ram with nis2011, i have machine set to go into standby after 30min and have to press any key to start using again. now, with nis2012 the cat walking into the room brings the machine out of standby . it seems like nis2012 is always performing some kind of background task/update every hour 24/7 thus not allowing the hard drive to rest. i'm not getting large cpu but hdd just runs all the time(its old and could be failing). i turn the machine off at night now before i go to bed.
I am also getting the same issue.
Windows XP, SP3 running Norton AV 2011 and with the issue of,
- either the pc is idle and takes seconds to wake up as NAV is busy doing another scan
- pc is being used (like now) and CCSVCHST.EXE is running at between 40 to 60% CPU utilisation
I also note that NAV takes from 5 to 10 seconds to do an email check when my email client retrieves new email, especially if NAV is doing some other activity in the background.
So I do not see this as a 2012 issue, it exists in 2011 as well.
Hello SantaFe,
SantaFe wrote:
CCSVCHST.EXE causes a CPU usage of 90-100% and will not go off. In other words, ccsvchst is running at full CPU utilization. Fan goes into extreme run mode. When I shut down the computer and then turn it back on it goes back to CPU usage of 90-100% and will not go off.
Things I have tried
I've used Norton Removal Tool and reinstalled NIS.
I have tried to solve the problem by turning Silent Mode ON. This helped for a while.
I installed Mouse Jiggler to keep the system from going into idle. It seems to help sometimes.
I will not reinstall Windows from scratch! I will buy another product first.
Yes, you are certainly on the right lines with a number of your settings. I had been suffering with the dreaded Norton Automatic Scan issue for a long time before I finally solved it. I say finally solved it because the remaining issue of scans running in idle time still ran once a day.
Now I read your post and want to thank you very much for Mouse Jiggler as this should completely solve that problem.
In my case I have quite an old processor designed for Windows XP which will not cope in Windows 7 with the extended high cpu while Norton runs its idle time scan.
If you are interested I have a lot of postings on the subject. Perhaps if you were to look at all my posts by clicking my username you will find what you want to know but if not it is described here.
or to summarize I do it like this .......
1. Turn off Automatic LiveUpdate. Run Windows Task Scheduler updates instead. Minimum 30 secs delay 1st. Logon +.
2. Block Automated Quick Scans by running NIS in Quiet Mode continuously.
3. Run Quick Scans from Windows Task Scheduler at set intervals during the day. Minimum 30 secs delay 1st. Logon +.
4. Set a number of programs into NIS that will put NIS in Quiet Mode immediately at startup.
5. Set Resume Delay to 20 minutes. Set Tasks Delay to 20 minutes & Idle Time Out to 30 minutes.
6. Turn Idle Time Optimizer off.
7. Set Enable Boot Time Protection to Normal (so that Norton can be placed in Quiet Mode at a very early stage)
8. Turn off LiveUpdate, Pulse Updates, Download of New Version & Smart Definitions.
9. Install DriveGLEAM to continuously check the cpu usage in the Notification Area. Will continually show cpu usage.
10. Make sure you have a Windows account User Name & Password set up to run Task Schedules in Norton.
11. Wait a couple of minutes before entering the password. (ensures NIS enters Quiet Mode straight away).
12. Install WinPatrol. Set none urgent startup programs to delay start. Allows LiveUpdate schedule at startup to run cleanly.
13. Delay the start of programs that are not required immediately or may overlap in cpu usage.
14. Change the default Full System Scan to run via Windows Task Scheduler at a specific time of day.
15. Avoid setting anything to run in idle time when you cannot see what may be causing the problem.
and of course now........
16. Install Mouse Jiggler and set it to Zen Jiggle.
I do not think that many users really want to take the trouble to disable so much in Norton 2012 and re-schedule the tasks in Windows Task Scheduler but I can assure everyone that it does work. I have had it running for some time now and have made slight adjustments to the time that Background Scans run so as not to interfere with other computer usage like scheduled LiveUpdate etc. Works a treat. It is really a question of whether you want to continue using Norton Internet Security 2012 and spending time to set it up another way or move on. If it is any consolation I have tried other security programs but still return to Norton. I have also gone back to NIS 2011 and the same problems exist there eventually.
Thanks to you I have now installed Mouse Jiggler and placed it in Zen Jiggle mode and will monitor the Scan Now / Custom Scan / Quick Scan date and time, which is where I can see if any Automated Idle Time Scans have run that day.
Hope this helps. Good luck.
PS. I am also going to suggest to the Norton Developers that they consider having an option to change the scan time for Quick Scans & Full Scans as this is where the problem exists. I would suggest having a slider bar that can set the time according the users processor, slow for my processor or fast for users with todays high performance processors. In that way users can determine what cpu is being used at the various settings. Then the current Quick Scans which usually take around 3 or 4 minutes at 90%+ cpu with an older processor can be set to run slowly in the background unnoticed for 10 or 15 minutes at say only 30% cpu.
crisoco8722 wrote:
I have now installed Mouse Jiggler and placed it in Zen Jiggle mode.
For anyone that is interested I have found a much better mouse movement simulator called ......
Caffeine from
Mouse Jiggler worked fine but it had no means of starting with Windows or quickly shutting down when started from a shortcut.
Caffeine can be started with Windows and places an icon in the Notification Area where it can turned on or off as required.
Moved to Norton 360 Board for better exposure.
More information: I am running Norton Security Suite Version provided by Comcast, my internet provider. I noticed that my Settings had Silent Mode unchecked, so I have checked that box. Maybe that will help. All other boxes under Quick Controls are already checked. Scheduling is set to "Automatic (Recommended). I presume I could change this to "Manual Schedule" or some other time period. Any other suggestions to help be get back control of my PC will be most welcome.
Hello Blackbeardrider and welcome!
I am sorry to hear of the problem you are having. Could you answer a few questions so that we might get some background?
- How long has this issue been a problem?
- What security software did you have prior to Norton? Was it completely uninstalled?
- Do you have the full Constant Guard Suite installed?
- Do you have any other security software currently installed?
- Have you checked Norton Tasks during the times of high CPU usage to see which tasks are being performed?
Version 6 of the Norton Security Suite has recently been released and it might help to move to that version, but please let us know the answer to the above questions before we go that route. Sound okay to you?
Thanks for helping, Phil!
1. I contacted Norton Technical Support on January 28 because of some strange error message I was receiving from the Norton Security program running on my machine at that time which was free with Xfinity (Comcast) services as my internet provider. He connected with a remote access program and spent over an hour uninstalling the old Norton (it took him three attempts to be successful with a lot of changes to the registry each time) and then he installed Norton Security Suite. The problem began sometime after that. I am not running any other security programs (the Tech even verified that).
2. Answered in 1. above.
3. I cannot find any reference to "Constant Guard Suite" . The Product Name is Norton Security Suite Version Vendor Name: Comcast. All available features are turned on or active. Can you describe how I would be able to determine if I have "Constant Guard Suite"?
4. Answered in 1. above.
5. It appears ccsvchst.exe is currently running from 35 to 65% of CPU for the past 10 minutes and is the only program taking a huge chunk of the CPU.
Anything else I can provide that will help? I'm tired of listening to my CPU fan HOWL at me and the computer being "locked up" when the CPU is at 100%. The mouse is no longer responsive, nothing happens. I have a Dell Dimension DIM3000 computer with an Intel Pentium 4 CPU at 2.8 GHz with 2.00 GB of RAM. It's not the fastest, but it's not a dog, either.