Child easily overrides controls2

Found that my daughter has discovered how to do an end run aroun the parental controls simler to:
Child easily overrides controls | Norton Community

Where "it's very easy to 'glitch' things by just pressing very fast on an app".  If I restrict her to an hour a day, she often uses her time by noon and is on her phone the rest of the day(if we let her), found that I can manualy lock(Instint Lock) the phone that keeps her from doing anything except call me...  But the Parental Control should enforce that time frame for me.  I attempted to make sure that I followed and set all permission per the install instructions and the suggested permissions made in the post above....  Last night she was able (after bed time) to install Tic Tok, because I forgot to manualy lock it..  What am I doing wrong..?  Note I realize that if Google wantted to build good parental controls on there OS, that they would have long ago....  The root of this issue is on Google.


Apologies for the inconvenience caused.

However, we see from our backend logs that the child device is successfully getting locked after the child uses up her alloted time. For further analysis on this issue, we would like to continue the discussion on a private thread.

Thanks and regards,
Norton Family Team.

Thanks Permalink
She is now setup for use between the hours of 8 am and to 10pm and limited to a total of 1 hour of use.  As a general rule I do not use time extensions because in the past it seemed as you point out to go for the rest of the day and did not have the ablity to limit that extention.  If there is a way to define the length of of that extention, I thank Norton for a well needed enhancement, but again have never used it.  Thus my problem still stands that she is able to use her phone apps even after her alloted time has expired and I must use (Instint Lock) to enforce this time limit. 


Thanks for reaching out to Norton Family Forum.

Kindly be noted that there are two aspects to Time Supervision. Time Usage, which enables you to set the maximum amount of time the child can spend on the device and Time Curfew, which enables you to set the time window of the day within which the device can be used. Please refer to this help document for more info in this regard.

Now if the child exceeds the daily usage quota, the phone gets locked. He might then request for a time extension, which is most likely happening in your case. However, do keep in mind that if you approve the extension request and permit him to use the device for the "Rest of the Day", this setting will take precedence and override all other existing Time Curfew settings, which might explain him being able to use the device at times he was not allowed to. 

Therefore, we would recommend you to approve the time extension for less durations like "30 minutes", "1 hour" and so on, so as to prevent the above scenario from happening.

Thanks and Regards,
Norton Family Team.