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Issue abstract: Norton popup about website
Detailed description: I keep getting a Norton pop up about a site being a problem. The thing is, I’ve never been to that site (clearnview) and I get the popup when I’m on things like netflix, imdb, yahoo mail, thesaurus site and so on. I did the full computer check including full scan, updates, defrag, remove all cookies and history and all that, then restarted. It’s still happening. It’s getting frustrating and concerning.
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What is the error message you are seeing?
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I had experiencd the same issue and simply reset my browser and all is fine now.
I believe that it was a tracking cookie picked up from some advertising site from various websites I had visited like the ones you had mentioned.
By resetting the browser the cookies and everything else is restored to the original status of the browser. Maybe overkill but I wanted to be sure. It is certainly a browser issue and I believe the warning was from Norton Safe Web.