Try this.
Select the SRP, click Resize, OK
Increase the number in the New Size field to the maximum, click OK
Does Ghost see the SRP? Can you post another partinfo.txt?
Try this.
Select the SRP, click Resize, OK
Increase the number in the New Size field to the maximum, click OK
Does Ghost see the SRP? Can you post another partinfo.txt?
Size is now 99 which is the max and ghost still cant see it. Here is the partinfo.
Weird. Your partinfo shows "End CHS does not match calculated end LBA in partition above" but BIBM doesn't detect an error. It's also weird that Ghost saw the SRP at least once.
I'd copy the booting files from the SRP to the Win7 partition. Then you can delete the SRP. I don't have a SRP in any of my computers.
You wanna know what else is weird? If I log into the system with a different account and open ghost, the SRP can be seen there. And it has a green check indicating that it was successfully backed up. I dunno. Maybe I should just leave it alone at this point, especially if it is actually being backed up?
If you can back it up then you are OK.
Edit.... It only needs to be backed up once as it doesn't change.
If there is more than 1 physical hard drive connected to the motherboard, Windows 7 does not always give the same number to the same drives at boot time. Since the SRP does not have a drive letter, Ghost may skip it if the drive number changed since the first backup. I had this problem and cannot remember if Ghost could see the SRP or not when the drive numbers changed.
I got rid of the SRP because of this problem.
Thanks everyone for your help on this, especially Brian_K! I really appreciate this.
There is another thread with a similar issue. Did you use Ghost 15 or the Samsung software to create the clone?