Since the user presentation of Norton was recently changed, I can no longer find how to see what of my files are on cloud backup. Yes I’ve gone to “manage” but no files are shown.
So, you’ve created new backup set with v24 and you’ve gone to Manage.
Did you drill down by clicking on the folder?
I did not find any buttons that drilled down. I’m on FireFox, so perhaps that’s the cause.
are you Norton 360 v22 or v24?
are you referring to this Manage?
Did you drill down by clicking on the folder?
Oh yes, I do get that far. But clicking directly on C: does not show any files, nor does clicking on the 3 dots way to the right do anything. Any more ideas?
Hmm…when I click three dots
…sure seems like something isn’t working for you…
Um, is this your first v24 Cloud Backup?
Was v24 Cloud Backup working and then just stopped?
Troubleshooting → Reset to Default will bring you back to Back Up This PC … if you want.
- Get started using Norton v24 Cloud Backup [here]
Knowing I had a mixture of saved files, from before 24 & after – I went in an deleted all and then saved all again – total GB’s is about right. It also shows really old save groups, but can’t see what those files are.
But no change, I still can’t see what files are being saved. Right clicking on the file name just gives me option once again to “save.”
I really want to know that my precious files are truly being saved to the cloud. It was working well before the update, so I don’t understand why Norton had to break it.
Hello @Marti_F
Sorry, I may not be looking where you’re looking
On my side…Other Cloud Backups → click folder allows me to drill down
for example:
The “old” backups from many years ago will show what files, but not my “current” or “new.” I am currently deleting the “old” files that I don’t need anymore – is taking a long time, though.
I still don’t see how to get a listing of my current files that are supposed to be backed up.
If your Norton is not working as expected after you’ve tried Reset to Default & Repair Norton & clean re-install Norton 360…then…reach out to Norton support.
Norton Community is primarily user-to-user “working” product help.
Sorry, I may not be looking where you’re looking
On my side…click folder allows me to drill down
On my side…History reports files backed up
Finally! After deleting a lot of really old and surprising files (why would I have saved Program Files???), I was able to get the current list of saved files to drop down. I was able to confirm that one of my important folders was not backing up, so I fixed that. The new Norton approach (now that it works) is an improvement so I’m happy. Thanks for your persistence in helping me get through this.
Thanks for posting your progress
@bjm, in your second screenshot (post 8/13 as I write this), at the bottom right there is the legend, “Restore files or remove them from backup,” but the big button next to it says only “Restore.” The button turns yellow (active) when at least one file in the listings is selected. If one were to click on that Restore button, would it give the user the choice to remove the selected files from the online backup? On my N360, I’m leery of clicking on the Restore button lest it proceed directly to restoring old and unwanted versions of files.
three dots → Remove from backup
Restore →
Thanks @bjm!
we were cross posting - took me xx minutes to snip pics