Computer Careers

Hey everyone,


I'm new to this forum, so I'm not really sure if this is the right place to post this question. I figured who better to ask then people with knowledge in the tech field. Any corrections are welcomed.


So I am exploring getting a bachelors in a computer related field, specifically Information Tech with a concentration on security. However, through my research I've read a few articles saying that, although the job market will be growing, businesses want business oriented backgrounds with computer security as well. I also read that most people in business have dual roles, a primary business specialty with computer security knowledge. I just want to get some opinions on whether going for this kind of degree would be worth it.


By worth it I mean financially rewarding and is there a demand for people with this degree. Are there other areas I should be looking at? I would like to pursue this specific degree, but I also want a job that's in demand and pays well when I get out of school. Thanks for any help.