Computer sees drives on USB adapter - Ghost 15 does not

Setup: Company IT setup.

Use external USB drive adapters and Ghost 15 to image hard drives to base standard.We also use Ghost to back up data and hard drives for employees that leave the company / upgrade to newer computers.



  • Got in 2 batches of 3 spare hard drives. They are both Western Digital 2.5" laptop drives 500gb / 7200 RPM Models: WD5000BPKT & WD5000BPVT
  • Windows recognizes the drives fine and formats them without error
  • Ghost 15 does not see the drives or the drive letters at all.
  • Other drives of varying sizes and brands are seen in Ghost and Windows just fine.


  • Dell Vostro 230
  • Intel Core Duo / 2GB RAM
  • Windows 7 / SP1
  • USB adapter: Apricorn DriveWire
  • Ghost 15 / latest updates & service pack



  • Reboot computer - did not work.
  • Restarted Norton and Ghost services - did not work.
  • Disconnected all other USB peripherals and connected only the WD problem drive on external USB adapter - did not work. 
  • Rebooted with the problem drive attached - did not work.
  • Ghost DOES recognize 500gb drives of different brands (Seagate) and WD drives of varying sizes (250 / 320 / 2TB) just not these particular WD 500gb drives.


  • Is there any kind of known issue with WD drives and Ghost 15?
  • Is there a place where Ghost can manually be told to scan for new drives?
  • Is there an extra update or patch that might fix this?


Thank you for the time and consideration.


Brian Olson IT tech, Colliers International.