I use Centurylink as my ISP. I can download Norton free with the subscription. I am allowed to load Norton on five computers. Recently, when trying to load it on the third computer, I was unable to load it. It seems that Norton, or Centurylink, still had records that it is loaded on computers that I no longer have and no longer are being used. In order to load it on the third computer, I had o deactivate it on one of the old computers that are no longer being used. I chose the one that was loaded the longest time ago, hoping it was one that is no longer in use. Once it was deactivated on that one machine, I was able to load it on the third machine.
My question to the forum is, how do I identify which computers it is now legitimately loaded on, so I can deactivate it on the others that are no longer being used? Norton record should show it loaded onto only three machines, not five. Where do I go to deactivate it on the old machines that are no longer in use?
Sorry for the delay, I have been busy with real-life events all week.
I am not a Century Link user, but from what Jimbo H says about the list popping up only when you try to install the 6th copy of Norton , it works as the older Comcast ISP version of Norton did. The list of installs is not visible until you exceed the number of installed copies permitted. Plus you can only remove one old install at a time. What the tech told you makes sense.
What peterweb stated about the Norton Account applies to the newer version of Comcast - Norton Online Secuirity - but I amnot sure what version Century Link is currently offering.
I finally got an answer after being transferred from and to three different "techs." It seems that Norton will not allow you to deactivate an account until you try to add a new computer. Since I think I know which computer names are no longer in use, I know which names to deactivate. I CANNOT deactivate a computer until I try install onto a sixth computer.
Centurylink is not such a stable ISP from what I have seen. I tried installing on a computer a few days ago and their "Installer" did not work. Finally, someone from Norton had to install it. I was not told if I can look at the computers that Norton says I have have their software installed on. That is my new quest, I assume?
Maybe CenturyLink has not moved to the newer subscription model requiring a Norton Account.
Let's get our resident Comcast guru @yank to help with this. He is familiar with the subscription model where your ISP controls the Norton subscriptions.
I created a Norton account and it says I have no devices with Norton. I assume I have to register each legitimately loaded device, or can I find the list of devices somewhere else? When I tried to download on, what I thought, was a third device, I received a message saying that I had no more Norton seats available. It gave me a list of five computers that Norton was loaded on. I deactivated the older seat in hopes that this computer is no longer used.
I still need to find the list of computers that Norton assumes I am using and have Norton loaded on them. Thanks again!
On each computer you now have, open your Norton product and click on Help About. That should show at the top, the name given to that computer for your Norton Account. Then go to your Norton Account and look for the computer with that name. That will be one you can leave on the account.
Once you have checked all current computers, you will be able to tell which ones are the old, unnecessary ones.