Configuring port protection POP3 and SMTP using SSL/TLS encryption

I have been through the forums and found many references to the same old question as to why Norton Internet Security doesn't allow you to configure POP and SMTP ports using SSL/TLS encryption.  I understand that the product doesn't allow you to configure the non-default, SSL encrypted ports.  The problem is that many ISP's are using ports other than POP: 110 and SMTP: 25 along with SSL/TLS encryption.

This has been an issue going back as far as 2009 from what I can see.  With so many users having to use SSL encrypted ports in order to send/receive email via an email client such as Outlook, why hasn't Symantec added the ability to configure SSL port protection?  Every time an email is sent via POP3 or received via SMTP, the warning pop-up box appears re: unknown security certificate and if I wish to continue Yes/No.  I'm tired of this pop-up and it looks like many other Symantec customers are tired of it to.

Why hasn't Symantec fixed this issue?