
I am confused, why is it ? I just purchased a new HD ( my last one crashed ) I purchased a System Recovery disk set from HP.  installed it ! downloaded and installed NIS with what I believe to be be all the new updates and patches.  Ran a system scan, ran the "Norton Cleaner " scan, and allready my new PC is acting up??? infected?

Why should I even bother with Norton? It does absolutely nothing to protect my computer, then I am asked to pay $99.99 for a one time removal or $19.99 a month for removal of something I am paying to be protected from!!!!  IS it only me? Or does this sound like a SCAM ???

My new HD clean software installed yesterday, is allready crashing !!!  What the ???   does Norton work???

You have no idea what I had to go through just to get on line and be able to post this thread.  I'm not sure I will be able to get on line again when I am through.

Any Ideas? I am retired living on SS, can't afford to be paying through the nose to clean what I've allready paid to be protected from???

I am not a dummy, ( I think )! I have built and worked with PCs, networks for over twenty years, never had a problem like this before. I am staying on line till I get some kind of respaonse. I'm afraid if I log out and log off I won't get back on line again!

Any help or sugestions would be appreciated.  Thank you in advance!

Confused Biomac121