Confusion re update announcement for Norton Security?

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Hello, In the ‘Announcements’ section, it states there is an update for Norton Security, v. 24.10.9335. Now I can’t be sure if indeed this is for Norton Security, which I am running, or for the 360 product. Could anyone clarify for me please.
It even states at bottom of the article ‘Please visit Norton 360 for windows to post your queries’.

Hello @brummie
Are you Norton*/360/Security for Windows v24?
Then you’re Norton Security v24 for Windows

Norton Security 24.10.9535 for Windows = Norton*/Security/360 v24 for Windows

Norton product branding/naming varies…as you know.


Norton Subscriptions naming varies…as you know.
Norton AntiVirus / Norton 360 / Norton Security

Hi bjm,

Thanks for the reply. So according to the information you gave me it would appear there are two different versions of NS. my version is which is the older version of this product. So
the version I have is nothing to do with this Norton Security V.24.10.9535 which is related to N360 products.



Norton* for Windows is Norton* for Windows
You’re still Norton* v22.x
at some point
You’ll receive Norton* v24.x

A better app experience is coming.

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Hello again, Well that makes it a bit clearer now, thank you. I shall mark this thread as solved, much appreciated for you taking the time out to answer my querie.

Have a good day.

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