Il y a toujours un message d’erreur lorsque j’essaye d’ouvrir mon compte dans Passeword Manager. Toujours un message d’erreur apres avoir suivi les étapes.
right now is the password manager only working to the password norton is working on getting it to work on the phone they are working on a patch
Google translation.
There is always an error message when I try to open my account in Password Manager. Still an error message after following the steps.
What device and OS version are you using?
What is the exact error message you see?
Jai essayer avec Windows 10 et Android Samsung S22.
Le message d’erreur est " Echec de la création de votre centre de sauvegarde
As you also mention Windows 10, I have moved your thread to the Norton Password Manage forum board for better exposure to more Password Manager users.
it dont work in windows 10 and 11 you can only login whit password norton got all the info they need but they just cant find the bug so take it easy they are working hard my phone is a s23 ultra i send the info but the phone never get the info