I originally wanted to use this Norton DNS Service for my home to block porn & maybe security risk sites, but turns out they block MUCH MORE than what they promise. As clearly stated here: https://dns.norton.com/dnsweb/faq.do none of the 3 policies say anything about blocking File Sharing or File Hosting sites, yet most of the sites are blocked saying: "This website is categorized as File Sharing and is blocked as part of this networks web content filtering policy." These are the DNS servers I used on the router:,,,,, And yes I did reboot the router, cleared browser cache & ran ipconfig /flushdns. Norton please do not turn your DNS internet filtering into internet censoring. Thank you. I hope this gets resolved.
I originally wanted to use this Norton DNS Service for my home to block porn & maybe security risk sites, but turns out they block MUCH MORE than what they promise. As clearly stated here: https://dns.norton.com/dnsweb/faq.do none of the 3 policies say anything about blocking File Sharing or File Hosting sites, yet most of the sites are blocked saying: "This website is categorized as File Sharing and is blocked as part of this networks web content filtering policy." These are the DNS servers I used on the router:,,,,, And yes I did reboot the router, cleared browser cache & ran ipconfig /flushdns. Norton please do not turn your DNS internet filtering into internet censoring. Thank you. I hope this gets resolved.
So if someone is using Google Drive to host his collection of porn at drive.google.com/porn/ that does not mean I want to be restricted from accessing the drive.google.com domain. Also you did not read my post carefully before trying to give me an answer. As I said in my first post: It is clearly stated here what is being blocked: https://dns.norton.com/dnsweb/faq.do None of the 3 policies say anything about blocking File Sharing or File Hosting sites. I would recommend that Norton moves all of these questionable file sharing sites to the category 'C' under "Other" for maximum security but instead they included it in all categories making all 3 categories useless. Don't forget the way DNS works if you enable it through router it effects the whole network in the house. My idea was to block porn and scam to the Wi-Fi devises that kids use like iPads Smart TV's etc. and at the same time have a working PC in my office where I'm able to use internet.
THANK YOU NORTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for resolving this so quickly. Today I enabled Policy 'B' and it did not block any of my Non Porn sites at the same time blocking almost every porn site that I tried to go on. I have to say Norton DNS blocks more porn that OpenDNS, GreenTeamDNS & FoolDNS. Please keep it that way and thank you. PS: I would LOVE to see you add in to EVERY category the advertisement sites same as in AdblockPlus.Org making NortonDNS the Ultimate in DNS Security.
Thanks for letting us know that things are working for you.
You still did not say what level of protection you had been using that was causing your issue. The highest level of protection could have been expected to block torrent sites.
In the first post I listed the IP addresses of all 3 DNS levels A, B & C, that's why I was upset that all 3 levels blocked File Sharing & File Hosting sites.
Please ban domain: thuongthuc.info, because domain have content sexual,porn, bikini
For those users wishing to use Norton's DNS Servers, this page gives you the various options to help in choosing the level of protection you want.