Norton 360 on my Android Phone has in the last week turned on Auto VPN because it states that my Router is not secure. When I click on the Learn More link it says that Content Tampering has been detected and some of the websites on the device have been altered for the purposes of fraud. I have two other Android devices with Norton 360 connected to the same Router but neither of them suggest that the router is not secure. Therefore, I assume that the websites that have been tampered with are on my Android Phone. How can I identify which websites are causing the problem so that I can delete them?
You are welcome. Good news.
Please monitor over the next week to see if it comes back.
Hi Peterweb, thanks for your message. I have uninstalled Norton 360 on my phone and reinstalled it as you suggested and that has resolved the problem.
Thanks again
What device and Android version is on the device with the messages?
Websites are not stored on your device. If you come across an individual web site that is possibly malicious, Norton would not connect to the site and you would see a message from the Web Protection feature.
The message indicating an issue with the security of your router could be a few things. Have you recently changed your router? Does your router have a strong, long, complex wifi password? A router based firewall could make Norton think that the router is compromised.
As only one device is affected, I would suggest uninstalling Norton 360, restart the device, and then reinstall and test again.