I am running Windows 7 (current) and NIS 2014. The NIS About dropdown said that I am running version A Product Update announced the release of version 21.1.1. I went to the Norton Update Center, pressed the Update Me Now button, ran the downloaded program (AutoDetect) which told me "Your Norton product version is up-to-date". Thus the problem: If NIS is up-to-date then why doesn't the About dropdown show the correct version of 21.1.1 or higher? The documentation, http://community.norton.com/t5/Product-Update-Announcements/Product-Update-21-1-1-of-Norton-Internet-Security-Norton-360/ba-p/1095883, says "A reboot will not be required for Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1 customers. However, a reboot will be required for Windows XP and Windows Vista customers." so the update does apply to Windows 7, the version of Windows that I am running.