I have Norton Ghost 14. I have used it for the last 6 months with regularly backup from drive C and all other drives(Drive C is were Windows XP latest service pack installed). I could back up back up data without problem.
I now run into a problem to restore my C drive. I want to do it since I have been infected by a recent virus. Norton Ghost doesn't work in Windows environment to restore drive C. I follow the instruction on Norton website of how to restore the primary drive C. Here is my problem:
I can boot the computer using CD drive by the Norton Ghost 14 dish. The DOS screen run for a while and stops at A: ( I assume drive A). Key board doesn't work at this moment. It doesn't matter how many time I tried it always stops at A: then keyboard dies.
I tried other way which is creat a CSR disk Norton Ghost 14. Tasks -> Create Recovery Disk. I let me create a recovery disk the first time. For some reason the recovery disk gives the same proble as before, stop at A:
Very frustrated, reading forum after forum how to have it work. I find this forum hopefully I can get help here. What did I do wrong? I have clean file back up ready for restore in external hard drive, now I can get it to work. I never have this problem with my old old ghost before.
If I go out and buy a new copy of Ghost 14, will it show the problem? Can a new copy read the file I backup using this version?
My system Window XP Professional Ver 2002 SP 3. All of my drives were format using NTSF. C drive is the one Windows XP installed.
Please provide instruction or help how to solve this problem. Thanks