Creating a backup set for just one folder

I need to backup recently changed files to my online storage while I'm on the road.  How do I create a backup set that will do that?  Is it possible to create a folder named QUICK BACKUP and drop 5 or 6 files in it to be backed up?




peter m.

Hello Peter


Norton Online Backup's file selection is based on categories or by adding files/folders manually. Only Norton 360 supports separate sets for an individual computer. You could temporarily de-select all of the categories you have selected now, add a folder in manually to accomplish what you want and then re-setup everything upon your return.


It's not precisely the cleanest method but it would do what you want done.

Thanks Wesley.  But how do I "deselect" all of the files/folders?  That would be a start. But the select/deselect app is very cumbersome.



Under the What section remove the checks next to all the categories. If you have custom rules you'll see them directly below the list of Categories. Each custom selection will have a red X next to it. Clicking that will remove it.


If you want to start 100% from scratch and purge all the prior backups on this one set you can also go to Remove Computer. It's in the upper left of the screen. Take note if you do this option you will not be able to access or restore the content once done. At least till you backup again.