Damaging ssd's worldwide??????

I recently got the new updated software,im running internet sercurity and to my absolute horror nortons is defragging my ssd everytime the pc is idle,are you crazy.

1 The first thing you do with a ssd is disable system defrag,it dosnt speed up ssds it damages them and wheres them out and if youre product is defragging everytime youre pc is idle you can kiss youre ssd goodbye in a very short time.

There was no information that youve added this to youre product and i cannot believe such a stupid decision was taken,you are potentially damaging ssds worldwide,you made no announcement about this feature and set it by default to on.

I would suggest you set this feature to disabled by default before people start asking for compensation for data loss.

In future it would be nice to be informed about such changes,i now have the unpleasent task in contacting friends and customers and talking them thru disabling this feature,thanks a bunch.