No dark web monitoring showing on the dashboard again even after sign out and in and a restart.
Fix this please. Unreliable. when will this be corrected. Has happened about 20 times now. Will this be corrected ? THis is on a Windows 10 machine.
No dark web monitoring showing on the dashboard again even after sign out and in and a restart.
Fix this please. Unreliable. when will this be corrected. Has happened about 20 times now. Will this be corrected ? THis is on a Windows 10 machine.
it is a sync error not more you can do it happens on all the produckts on the list it is if the produckt is not sync to the server
ok, after the third sign out and sign in, i now see it. Shouldnt have to keep doing that.
Dashboard should be more reliable. I see the scroll bar on the right now. It wasnt there before. Please fix this so that this is a reliable product.