How do you clear a Darkweb alert, so doesnt show once read it?
and clears it from showing on the main screen.
How do you clear a Darkweb alert, so doesnt show once read it?
and clears it from showing on the main screen.
thanks, read them but didnt clear it off.
Looks like I will have to leave them on there.
Where is portal/app?
I looked on the online page and in the programme on taskbar.
once you read it goes into the Archived tab for historical purposes and no longer counts toward unread alerts
so reading it in portal/app should "clear" it
I do not think you can turn off Dark Web Monitoring.
The best you can do is to remove as much info in the different categories as possible. To delete an alert you can try logging into your Norton account on the web but I am not sure what the actual process is. You might try contacting Lifelock support (not Norton support) and see what they might say.
or how do you turn it off?
reading other darkweb questions, noone gives an answer on how to delete read alerts on that.