Data Protector - Blocked Suspicious Action

I just had a weird thing happen for the first time:  I have a very innocuous program installed on my laptop - Quilt Pattern Indexer.  It indexes longarm quilt design files, so I can see thumbnails and organize my longarm quilting stitch files.  I tried to execute a search of all my longarm stitch files using Keywords that are assigned to all my designs.  Norton suddenly popped up a Data Protector screen saying "Data Protector blocked a suspicious action by quiltpatternindexer.exe".  Norton has never done this, before.  Not sure what has changed, but I do NOT want Norton to block me using my QPI program.  On the pop up window, I only have two options, 'Exclude Process' or 'File Insight'.  There is no definition of what 'Exclude Process' does.  I want Norton to leave my QPI program alone and ignore it.  What do I do to get Norton to stop suddenly blocking my use of my file indexing QPI program? 

Patty S.


FWIW ~ the 1.5 setup file appears signed - not countersigned



Filename: QuiltPatternIndexer.exe
Full Path: C:\Users\bjm\Desktop\QuiltPatternIndexer.exe


7/6/2022 at 12:25:11 PM

Few Users
Fewer than 100 users in the Norton Community have used this file.

This file was released 1 year 10 months ago.

Norton has given this file a favorable rating.

Source File:

File Thumbprint - SHA:
File Thumbprint - MD5:


QuiltPatternIndexer.exe does not appear to be signed.

Maybe, Norton Firewall Alert - Quilt Pattern Indexer does not have a valid digital signature is related to your Data Protector block event.  IDK  
Sorry, I'm not familiar with QPI. 

Yup, did this quite a while ago, when I first purchased QPI.  Which is why I was so perplexed as to why, all of a sudden today, Norton Data Protector decided to block my using the program when I executed a search.  I have sent Norton and email asking them to please add QPI to their white list as well.

FWIW ~ as test: 

Filename: qpisetup1.5.exe
Full Path: C:\Users\bjm\Desktop\qpisetup1.5.exe

MK Quilts LLC

7/6/2022 at 11:56:35 AM

Few Users
Fewer than 100 users in the Norton Community have used this file.

This file was released 1 year 10 months ago.

Norton has given this file a favorable rating.

Source File:

File Thumbprint - SHA:
File Thumbprint - MD5:

Smart Screen objects to 1.5 setup file
and Norton objects to QuiltPatternIndexer.exe




"Exclude Process" adds that process to processes excluded from Data Protector.
Presumably "quiltpatternindexer.exe" 

"Exclude Process" is reversable.  

1.5, which I've been running for several years.  I think I have fixed it.  By clicking on Exclude Process button, it placed my entire QPI exe file in the exclusions section, for Data Protector to just ignore the app all together.


Curious, are you running QPI 1.5? or 1.1?



Exclude files and folders from Norton Auto-Protect, SONAR, and Download Intelligence scans

Fix problem detecting a file or program as a threat even after you exclude it from scan

Configure Exclusions/Low Risks settings

Exclude files with low-risk signatures from Norton scans


Can someone answer my question:  What does "Exclude Process" do?  I have a pop up window asking me to make a decision.  Should I click on "Exclude Process" button?  What does that do?  Once I clear this pop up window, I will try to figure out how to add this app to the White List, where ever that is.  But first, I need to clear this pop up window in some manner.

"Exclude Process" adds that process to processes excluded from Data Protector.
Presumably "quiltpatternindexer.exe"

FAQ: Norton Data Protector


Quilt Pattern Indexer is a purchased app.  It is perfectly safe.  I've been using it for years along w/Norton on my laptop.  So, this pop up today is inexplicable to me, unless Norton had a recent update (as in, last night). 

Can someone answer my question:  What does "Exclude Process" do?  I have a pop up window asking me to make a decision.  Should I click on "Exclude Process" button?  What does that do?  Once I clear this pop up window, I will try to figure out how to add this app to the White List, where ever that is.  But first, I need to clear this pop up window in some manner. I would add a screen snip of the pop up box, but can't figure out how to attach an image file.


Please tell us what Norton is telling you regarding this event.
For information regarding event > from Norton pop-up > View Details > Copy to Clipboard &or from Norton history > More Options > Copy to Clipboard > paste.

For second opinion choose File &/or Search hash at VirusTotal 

Act on quarantined risks or threats

Turn off or turn on Download Intelligence

Exclude files and folders from Norton Auto-Protect, SONAR, and Download Intelligence scans

Fix problem detecting a file or program as a threat even after you exclude it from scan

Configure Exclusions/Low Risks settings

Exclude files with low-risk signatures from Norton scans


Huh?  Still not answering my question.

Sorry.  Maybe, I'm not understanding your question. 
Please restate your question/concern.  

Is file Auto-Protect blocked?
Is file Data Protector blocked? 

Is Quilt Pattern Indexer a free publicly available download/install?
Maybe, I can try to reproduce.  IDK

If you feel it may help. 
Please post related: Security History -> Data Protector

change file type from (*.mcf) to text (*.txt)

Huh?  Still not answering my question.


So, the first link suggests "If you trust the application that you are using, then add it to the white list to exclude from scanning. "  But no explanation as to how to add the app to the "white list"??  Need more explanation.   I want Data Protector to ignore this program entirely.

Data Protector excludes by process.  Data Protector does not exclude by folders/programs.  

"Exclude Process" adds that process to processes excluded from Data Protector
Presumably "quiltpatternindexer.exe"

So, the first link suggests "If you trust the application that you are using, then add it to the white list to exclude from scanning. "  But no explanation as to how to add the app to the "white list"??  Need more explanation.   I want Data Protector to ignore this program entirely.  Instead of overloading me with info, can you answer two questions?

1.  What does "Exclude Process" mean?  Does that mean, if I click that button, Data Protector will ignore QPI when it executes a search?  Or, will "Exclude Process" exclude the search entirely, not allowing me to use the search function?  It's not clear what that button does.

2.  How do I add my QPI program/app to the White List, which seems that if I do this, Data Protector will just ignore this program all together, so I'll never get another pop up  from Norton when I use this program??

This action from Norton is just inexplicable.  I've had both installed on my laptop for a long time, and now, all of a sudden today, Norton doesn't seem to like QPI.  No updates to QPI, and none to Norton that I'm aware of.  Very frustrating.