DE-COUPLE "Install Norton Browser" pop-ups from Norton Task Notification


  1. PURPOSE of Norton Task Notification is:

"Norton Task Notification lets you show or hide the notifications that appear when your Norton product runs an automatic background task. (((When your computer is idle, your Norton product runs Norton-specific automatic background tasks such as Full Scan, Automatic LiveUpdate, and Insight Optimizer.)))

(The part in (((triple parens))) is accented by me)

“When this option is turned on, your Norton product shows the notification to inform you about the background tasks that are running. When this option is turned off, your Norton product does not notify you about (((any))) background tasks. By default, your Norton product shows notifications when it runs these background tasks.”

  1. The PROBLEM as I see it, is this. The only way to turn off “Install Norton Browser” pop-ups, is apparently by switching OFF Norton Task Notification. “Install Norton Browser,” again as I see it, IS NOT a TASK–IT IS a PRODUCT ADD-ON POP-UP. But by switching OFF Norton Task Notification, one not only stops the “Install Norton Browser” pop-ups, IT ALSO STOPS ACTUAL, IMPORTANT BACKGROUND NOTIFICATIONS which the user MAY NOT WANT to stop (e.g. Full Scan, Automatic LiveUpdate, InsightOptimizer, and possibly others).

  2. I feel that for that reason, “Install Norton Browser” pop-ups must be DE-COUPLED from the Norton Task Notification operation, because IT IS NOT A “TASK.” Instead, move it where it belongs–SPECIAL OFFER NOTIFICATIONS–where it can be switched OFF along with all other “special offer notifications.”

Note: If I’m wrong about this, my apologies. But I switched OFF “Special Offer Notifications” and am STILL SEEING “Install Norton Browser” pop-ups. If I am wrong, please explain how I’m wrong, because it’s really confusing! Thanks.

Krusty13, thanks.  I'm having trouble posting my reply, but I believe your reply is correct.  Thanks for the info and the links!

mgirons, thank you for responding; Krusty13 answered my concern!

FAQ available here:


Currently there seems to be no way to disable this annoyance.

Do you mean Norton Browser EXTENSIONS. Did not think there is such a thing as Norton browser. I just use NPWM & Safe web extensions. There is other options where you can turn on Norton Safe Search that replaces Google Search and the like and another option to make your Home page a Norton page. Who would want to do that? Some times get a pop-up to install these extensions which would include the latter two, I do NOT want them. These pop-ups normally appear a few days after A Norton product update.

Norton used to include system tray pop-up when certain back-grounds were running but that disappeared a good 12 months ago. That was useful, if the pop-up was showing, left it to complete operation otherwise the background task would instantly stop & not complete and then wait till computer 'IDLE' again. Now of course, you could interrupt a background task you do not know is currently running.