Hello All,
Freshly re-built computer, Win 8.1 w/ Media Center & NIS 2014.
It's the only computer here that I cannot PING by it's v4 IP unless I disable the NIS firewall.
Called support but they gave me the run-around saying Norton was still working on NIS for Win 8.1. (blah-blah-blah excuse) It works just fine on a Win 8.1 Surface Pro.
Did some comparing/testing & found that the "Default Allowed Specific Inbound ICMP (Shared Networks)" traffic rule has an error in it's details. Under the Tab 'Communications' > Ports Dialog, it should show 'echo-req (command 8)' like all the other computers have.
This computer has 'router-ad (command 9)' and since it is a default rule I can't change it.
My work around was to re-create the rule correctly & insert it just above the defective rule. OK for now I suppose.
Anyone know what/where/why went wrong with that default rule?
Any way to properly fix it or delete it? I know somehow-sometime it will come back to bite me again.