How can I disable all idle-time and background activities in Norton 360? I want full manual control over these functions and just cannot find the settings that disable their automated behavior.
How can I disable all idle-time and background activities in Norton 360? I want full manual control over these functions and just cannot find the settings that disable their automated behavior.
unfortunately not all of them can be turned off. You can only set backups and tune up tools to be runned manually.
Here are the setps to change the tune up tools:
1. Open 360
2. Go to Settings
3. Go to Tasks Scheduling
4. Deselect all tune-up tools
5. Click Apply
This way these will not run. Only the virus scans will run during idle time.
Hello hka
Welcome to the Norton Community Forum
N360 is really made for the person who likes to install the security program and not have very much control over it. There are a few tweakable settings, but to have more control over the program, you should have NIS 2011. As was mentioned, the idle quick scans will still occur when your machine is idle after new antivirus definitions come out. These idle quick scans are very short.
Thank you both. It seems I've made an expensive mistake. I sure wish these things were made crystal clear before one makes his/her purchase decision.
Hello hka
If you have purchased N360 within the last 60 days, you can try calling customer support for free via the chat program and see if they will let you get NIS 2011 instead of N360? I don't know if they will let you do that or not, but you can try and see what they say. Perhaps they will refund the difference or maybe give you and extra month or something. I will give you the link for the US/CAN. If you need a different link, please let me know
This is the link for US/Can. If you need a different location, please consult your local Symantec site for the local free chat customer support link.
Please explain the situation and see what they say. Please also let us know the results. Thanks.
Thank you, flop.
I am right up against 60 days and wish I had the time to pursue this more aggressively. I'll try to find time for a support call or chat over the next few days and will get back to this discussion if I have anthing substantive to report.
In the meantime, a little research here has given me a moderately successful workaround. By adding every program on my system (including Windows Explorer) to the Quiet Mode list, I've been able to regain some performance.