Disconnection (403, 413)

CASE #79839377 Please read case file

All: Using a VPN will also cause error 403 "forbidden". A mistyped URL is also a likely cause. Error 403 can also be the fault of the website itself, If the website directory browsing is properly configured error 403 should NOT appear, you should be redirected to another page with further information. Uploading files that exceed the website restrictions, whether they're stated or not, will produce the error code 413. 


CASE #79839377 Please read case file

No one in the forum has access to support case files. If you want help here we need the details of your problem.

A 403 and 413 error in a browser is describing an issue with the website you are trying to access. What sites are you seeing these errors on?


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  • This is a public community. Please DO NOT post any Personally Identifiable Information (PII) such as your email address, product key or phone number
  • Norton product or service name and version
  • Operating system - version / build 
  • Norton error message / error code / screen shot
  • Steps to reproduce issue